The other day, I was talking to a mobile detailing entrepreneur in the state of Florida. He been doing business an awful long time, but he also noted that unemployment in the state just hit 8.8%. It wasn’t like this in the past where he could go to any office building, and all the workers…
Tag: citizen discount
Tips for Staying Safe As a Senior Citizen by Mark Mahaffey
When it comes to staying safe, senior citizens have special concerns. Although research has shown that the risk of being a victim of a physical assault crime decreases as you age, the risk of other kinds of crime continues and even intensifies. Senior citizens are just as likely as the rest of the population to…
Seniors Citizens Joining a Gym – The Questions You Should Be Asking by Bob Alexander Smith
There aren’t too many seniors-only gyms around at the moment, however finding a local one that caters to your needs isn’t impossible. At your local gym try asking the following questions to see whether you might join: Does any of your staff have senior-fitness certifications? Several of the governing bodies that certify personal trainers offer…
Senior Citizen Discounts at Luxury Hotels by Kelvin Kong
As people reach the age of 60, they think that they have already experienced a lot in life. They had been through the ups, downs and zigzags of everyday living. There were enough smiles given away and tears cried out. Old people choose to stay laid back and stop wanting, desiring and wishing for more…
What Makes Someone a Senior Citizen? by Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
Good question! Developmental Psychologists have long used either ages or stages to define segments of the population. Many developmental textbooks are divided into chapters based on one or the other of these definitions. Age definitions are ones that use numbers – such as: being 65 or older means you are a senior citizen; or all…