As you age, different processes in your skin change its appearance, activity and structure. The aging skin has reduced cellular activity, less collagen production, lowered epidermal turn over and damage accumulation as a result of free radicals from UV exposure. All these changes contribute to the aging process and leave you with apparent signs of…
Tag: consumption
Part Four: Current and Future Anti-Aging Treatments
As previously noted, many anti-oxidants are essential nutrients. Natural anti-oxidants, like vitamin C and E, work synergistically. Anti-oxidants may be more effective if obtained from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend eating 6 or more daily servings of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Everyone agrees the use of antioxidant supplements for anti-aging…
The Development of Old Age and Related Issues
In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
Danger: Contents Under Pressure
By: Dr. Danika Bowen, Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs and Accreditation Liaison Officer Feeling overworked? Try being a heart! When you are working – it’s working. When you are playing – it’s working. When you are sleeping – it’s working. Your heart is under pressure to perform 24 hours a…
Information Speed Reader For Senior Citizens – Blog and RSS Readers by Robert McCluskey
This is a great time to be alive if you are an information junkie, especially if you are a senior citizen and have more time on your hands to indulge your love of information than you did during your younger years. With the Internet you can read, listen and watch to your heart’s content. But,…