(Family Features) The influence of family can be a powerful thing. When asked who inspired her as a child, Rosa Parks, an extraordinary American activist, answered, “My family, I would say, my mother, and my maternal grandparents. I grew up with them.” On December 1, 1955, Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing…
Tag: conversations
Ways Senior Citizens Can Keep Young by Charice Louise
No one wants to grow old before his or her time. There are some things senior citizens can do that will keep them looking and feeling younger. Consider these seven ways seniors can stay young. Geriatric Massage is one of the best things senior citizens can do for themselves. The massage of the muscles improves…
Gift Ideas For Senior Citizens Perplexing You? 5 Tips to Finding the Perfect Gift For Baby Boomers by Diane Carbo
Gift ideas for senior citizens can be perplexing. Not to worry, I have 5 tips to help you find the perfect gift for seniors citizens in your life. Many gift givers have the perception that as we age, we have accumulated everything we need in life. In some case that may be so, but, just…
Hearing Loss in Senior Citizens by David Crumrine
Many senior citizens are affected by some hearing problems. If left untreated, any extent of hearing loss may worsen over time. It is important that senior citizens with difficulty hearing consult their doctor. Companions or caregivers who notice a senior citizen is experiencing trouble hearing should facilitate and encourage the senior to seek medical attention….
Social Services and Education Programs
March calendar of social services and education programs for individuals, caregivers, and family members impacted by the diseases we treat. All of these programs are open to the community and are offered free of charge. Lending Library (4th Floor) Featuring hundreds of books, videos and brochures for patients, families and the community-at-large. Open to…
Ophthalmologists Consider Five Tests and Treatments that Would Benefit from Doctor-Patient Conversations
American Academy of Ophthalmology Joins Choosing Wisely® Campaign to Advance Quality Eye Care and Promote Health Care Savings The American Academy of Ophthalmology today announced it is participating in the Choosing Wisely® campaign, a national initiative of the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation to encourage conversations between patients and their doctors about treatment options…
What is noise-induced hearing loss?
Tips on how to prevent hearing loss and maintain good hearing Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common cause of hearing loss. It is often permanent, but preventable! The National Institute of Health reports that 10 million Americans have already suffered hearing damage from loud sounds. In addition, another 30 million are exposed to dangerous…
No more “empty nest”: middle-aged adults face family pressure on both sides
The “empty nest” of past generations, in which the kids are grown up and middle-aged adults have more time to themselves, has been replaced in the United States by a nest that’s full – kids who can’t leave, can’t find a job and aging parents who need more help than ever before. According to a…
Healthy Aging: Up2Me
Healthy Aging: Up2Me – January 18, 12:30 – 3:00 PM Join us for this proven six week program helping caregivers and individuals with chronic diseases set goals and develop skills for success. Free and open to the public, advance registration required. Contact Susan, 483-6023, hirschs2@ccf.org Lunch & Learn Wednesdays, 12 noon – 1 pm 888…
Valentine Feature: 3 Surefire Tips to Keep the Sizzle in Your Relationship
Falling in love is magical, but staying in love can feel like the impossible dream! This Valentine’s Day rekindle the fire in your romance with three easy tips offered by Deanna Brann, PhD, Huffington Post Wedding blogger and author of Reluctantly Related: Secrets To Getting Along With Your Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law: 1. Schedule at least…