ALZHEIMER’S SET TO MOVE FROM THE MOST DAUNTING GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS TO THE 21ST CENTURY’S FISCAL NIGHTMARE OECD and the Global Coalition on Aging Convene at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University to Shape New Approaches for Solutions Oxford, UK (26 June 2013) – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Harris Manchester College, Oxford…
Tag: dementias
Nevada-Senior-Guide Education Directory – Northern Nevada
Center for Healthy Aging, Larry Weiss, PhD 11 Fillmore Way, Reno, NV 89519 775-376-3210, Life Line, Emergency Response & RX Programs, Provide life span respite training, OASIS CATCH, Healthy Habits, Elder Gap Community Health Program/Urban Indians Outreach 745 W. Moana Ln., Ste. 375, Reno, NV 89502 1-775-788-7600 Health promotion, AIDS education…