Live Healthy – Look Marvelous – Live Longer There are actions you can, and should take today to dramatically improve your health, your appearance and your longevity. You can control 70% of the factors affecting your longevity; only 30% are controlled by genetics until very late in life when genetics become more controlling Almost all…
Tag: deterioration
The Development of Old Age and Related Issues
In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
EarlySense System Implementation Shown to Reduce Falls, Decrease Transfers to Hospitals and Increase the Quality of Care for Elderly in Multi-Center Nursing Home Study
EarlySense System Implementation Shown to Reduce Falls, Decrease Transfers to Hospitals and Increase the Quality of Care for Elderly in Multi-Center Nursing Home Study Clinical data presented at the 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society Waltham, MA, May 3, 2013 —- EarlySense, the market leader in Proactive Patient Care Solutions™, announced today…
Brain Exercises For Senior Citizens by Carson Hill
Brain exercise is a great way for senior citizens to maintain brain health and maintain the focus and clarity that they’ve utilized most of their life! As adults age, they tend to use their brain less frequently. As a result of the brain not being challenged, it gradually deteriorates. Most people attribute the brains deterioration…
Senior Citizens Health Conditions by Ian Pennington
As we reach our later years we are at risk of a great many health concerns. The list of senior citizens health conditions is a long and complex one. It includes both mental and physical issues and some people will be plagued with both. It can only be expected that, as time takes it toll on…