Why is skincare the focus of longevity research? I guess a cell is a cell, and if you can crack the code for one human cell, it is only a matter of time to solving the puzzle with different types of cell – and skin is without doubt the most visible cells each of us…
Tag: emai
Mature Age Job Seekers – Beating the Bias
Australian business is starting to see the light when it comes to their hiring policies for mature aged employees, and the positive impact they can have on the workplace. A brief visit to main street shopping centre and you will begin to see a few more weathered faces at work than you would have seen…
How Old Are You Really? Biological Age
People have always been interested in being “forever young” and today’s society is no different. We want to resist the ageing process. The speed at which we are ageing can be measured – its called biological age, or how old your body really is. The area of study which is now called longevity, and was…
The Programmed Cellular Death Approach to Anti-Aging Treatment
Modern anti-aging treatment is built on a common base of knowledge that I will quickly review. Biochemistry and molecular biology tell us there are many types of chemical reactions going on in the human body. We know that it is the genetic information programmed inside our cellular DNA that defines what reactions occur. Genetic information,…
Part Four: Current and Future Anti-Aging Treatments
As previously noted, many anti-oxidants are essential nutrients. Natural anti-oxidants, like vitamin C and E, work synergistically. Anti-oxidants may be more effective if obtained from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend eating 6 or more daily servings of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Everyone agrees the use of antioxidant supplements for anti-aging…
Take a Number: Five Ways to Look at Age
One for the Ages Satchel Paige was a great baseball pitcher, one of the greatest of all time. He was an African-American and, due to the racial discrimination of the time, most of his outstanding career was not spent in the (white) major leagues. However, after the historic breakthrough by the courageous and talented Jackie…
The Development of Old Age and Related Issues
In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
Treat them like a person, not a patient
Treat them like a person, not a patient New living systems developmental model of care shifts the focus of treating Alzheimer’s disease and other debilitating illnesses STATE COLLEGE, Pa. – Donald H. Ford observed that advanced Alzheimer’s patients, like his mother-in-law, are typically bored and lonely, and often depressed, frightened or angry. His professional knowledge…
A Crusade to Help Senior Citizens in Car Shopping by Irene Mori
Seldom is shopping for and buying a new automobile a wonderful experience. Indeed, there is a chance that it could be a horrible encounter with unpleasant consequences. Signing the papers to lease or purchase a car, if one is not ready to do so, can be an event which causes monumental anxiety and stress. Senior…
Starting a Home Based Business – Senior Citizens Require Supplemental Income by Jed Tooke
The need to have extra earnings is felt more when one retires. It is for this reason that many people become interested in the idea of starting a home based business to increase their income. It is seen that generally younger people are preferred for work over older workers because of the mistaken belief that…
Local Las Vegas Company Launches New Crowdfunding Website BlessABuck.com
Local Las Vegas Company Launches New Crowdfunding Website BlessABuck.com Website created to bring dreams to fruition for entrepreneurs, charities LAS VEGAS – July 23, 2013 – Local Las Vegas based company launches new crowdfunding website www.BlessABuck.com which is focused on helping people bring their ideas to fruition. The website and platform, created by ShoutLegacy, will…
Seeks Food Pantry and Water Donations; Open on July 4 WHAT: Due to food and water shortage, Veterans Village, a temporary housing facility for vets that also offers a comprehensive roster of services to help vets heal and succeed – invites the community to donate bottled water and canned food items to provide relief…
Even Senior Citizens Can Make Money From Adsense by Christopher Kyalo
For senior citizens the really good news is that one can never be too old to make money from Adsense. And like any other online opportunity Google Adsense’s strict terms and conditions do not include an upper age limit. In fact senior citizens willing to learn in their old age and also to shrug off…
Why Are Reverse Mortgages Important to Senior Citizens? by Craig Castle
In Texas and many other parts of the country, senior citizens are being squeezed. They receive, on average, $965 per month in social security. And, while property taxes vary, a senior in many Texas cities with a home valued at $100,000 will pay more than $200 per month in property taxes alone. Add to that…
The Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet Is Perfect for Senior Citizens on the Go by Amy B Sycamore
Whether seniors are enjoying time on the golf course, a cruise to the Bahamas, or just visiting the grandkids there are a lot of great new technologies on the market to make their lives easier. The new Amazon tablet known as the Kindle Fire can be ordered right now for $199.00, and ships to…
Senior Citizens – Victims No More by Chris Bruno
Violent crime against senior citizens used to be unthinkable. It was rare that a street thug would target an elderly person; however criminals of today have a totally different mindset. They prey upon those they perceive to be weak and an easy target and who will offer the least resistance. In the mind of a…
Note To Criminals: Do Not Mess With Senior Citizens That Carry Pepper Spray by Carl Vouer
Dear criminals, We understand your plight, you need money to help fuel your insatiable appetite for drugs and alcohol and because you are morally and ethically bankrupt you would like to attain this money in the easiest and sleaziest way possible; by mugging the decent, hard-working, law-abiding citizens of this country. We also understand that…
Marketing to Senior Citizens – Assume Nothing! by Marte Cliff
Once upon a time, senior citizens were old people. They were assumed to be suffering from ill health and in need of care. They sold their homes so they could move in with children or move to a care facility. Not any more. Now senior citizens exhibit the same variety of health and fitness as …
Tips for Staying Safe As a Senior Citizen by Mark Mahaffey
When it comes to staying safe, senior citizens have special concerns. Although research has shown that the risk of being a victim of a physical assault crime decreases as you age, the risk of other kinds of crime continues and even intensifies. Senior citizens are just as likely as the rest of the population to…
Niche Marketing Strategies For Tutoring Businesses Looking To Attract Senior Citizens by SK Tilton
For years, we’ve heard about the graying of our population from the baby boom years. Our current class of senior citizens inductees (the population born during the Baby Boom after World War II from 1946 to 1964) is going to make up close to 20% percent of the total US population by 2029 according to…
My Senior Mom and I Love the Jitterbug Cell Phones for Senior Citizens by Kaye Swain
When your senior parent is having a harder time keeping up, but doesn’t want to give up their independence, you can often help by going with them on errands. It might be easier to pick up grocery items for them on your own, while running other errands. When you do that, though, your elderly parents…
Senior Citizen Discounts at Luxury Hotels by Kelvin Kong
As people reach the age of 60, they think that they have already experienced a lot in life. They had been through the ups, downs and zigzags of everyday living. There were enough smiles given away and tears cried out. Old people choose to stay laid back and stop wanting, desiring and wishing for more…
Birthday Party Ideas for Senior Citizens by Criss White
Many people believe that once you get to a certain age a birthday becomes another wrinkle on their forehead, or another grey hair on their head. This just isn’t the case! There are many senior citizens who look forward to their birthday almost as much as they did when they were young children. A birthday …
The Critical Importance of Recreation For Senior Citizens by Robert McCluskey
As our population ages, there is increasing emphasis on teaching and learning lifelong recreational skills. Research has shown that recreation is an important part of an individual’s social behavior. Recreation plays a critical role in the lives of older adults by contributing to an improved quality of life. People who participate in recreational activities as…
How Much Have You Changed? A Dilemma For Senior Citizens by Jerry Elrod
Now that you are 50 or 60 or 70 or so, how much have you changed? As a senior citizen in retirement, do you still see yourself as you were 10 or more years ago? What experiences, dramatic or subtle, have changed the mold you always saw yourself fitting? Here is an illustration giving proof…
Taking Care of a Senior Citizen in Your Own Family by Richard Fowler
You may want to take care of a member of your family who is already a senior citizen. Your desire is sincere and is definitely there and you truly want to be of help, but you should be aware of a lot of things before you actually do so. It is not an easy thing…
Ways Senior Citizens Can Keep Young by Charice Louise
No one wants to grow old before his or her time. There are some things senior citizens can do that will keep them looking and feeling younger. Consider these seven ways seniors can stay young. Geriatric Massage is one of the best things senior citizens can do for themselves. The massage of the muscles improves…
Online Dating For Senior Citizens – Find Love and Companionship by David N Kamau
The subject of dating for senior citizens has proven to be one that has experienced something of a dramatic change. This change is the result of the development of online dating websites. Many of these websites cater to seniors which opens doors for them previously closed. Now, it is possible to find someone new through…
Email Marketing For Senior Citizen Centers by Dan Forootan
Ads in the phone book and Yellow Pages are a better investment than a newspaper ad, but senior citizen centers need to provide gentle reminders of their presence to potential patrons, many of whom are living alone and uncertain about venturing into something new and unknown. How can they encourage newcomers to come to the…
Reasons for Hospitalizations of Senior Citizens by Warren Comer
Experts are saying that senior citizens of today are a lot healthier than the elderly a few decades ago. Not only are they getting sick less, but they are also more active. They are living fuller lives, something that the old folks in the past couldn’t have done. What the Numbers Say Statistics show than…
Should You Send Your Elders to a Senior Citizen Home? By Cindy Heller
Asking your elders to move to a senior citizen home can be a very complicated situation. Most elders dislike the idea as they prefer to stay at their old home. If the elders are suffering from Alzheimer’s, it may make the situation much simpler as their memory has lost gradually. In normal condition, it…
Healthy Eating, Exercise and Lifestyle Guide For Senior Citizens By David Crumrine
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle While it is important for people of all ages to stay healthy, it is especially important for senior citizens to maintain healthy eating habits as well as to stay active which is important in the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By practicing healthier living practices,…
Nevada Ballet Theatre Presents Romeo & Juliet for an unforgettable season finale
SHAKESPEARE’S PLAY AND PROKOFIEV’S ENDURING SCORE BRINGS THE ‘MONTAGUES’ AND ‘CAPULETS’ TO LIFE IN THIS RIVETING BALLET CHOREOGRAPHED BY JAMES CANFIELD “For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”- William Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet is Co-Sponsored by: Madeleine & Don Andress and Wendy & Richard Plaster …
Successful Summerlin Half Marathon kicks off Third Annual event this Saturday
SUCCESFUL SUMMERLIN HALF MARATHON KICKS OFF THIRD ANNUAL EVENT THIS SATURDAY 600 runners and walkers are expected to make the 13.1 mile trek through Summerlin WHAT: The Summerlin Half Marathon is a 13.1-mile course that meanders through seven Summerlin villages on the community’s nationally recognized trail system. Participants will pass through the…
Sometimes Little Things Can Be Huge!
By Thair Phillips, President, RetireSafe A small and relatively new product is making life easier for older Americans. It’s a simple thing, but unit dose laundry detergent packs (or pods) are helping seniors perform necessary laundry chores that they might not otherwise be able to do without help. The laundry packs’ small size and pre-measured,…
Nevada Honors Impact of AmeriCorps during AmeriCorps Week
[RENO/LAS VEGAS] — Nevada is taking part in AmeriCorps Week, March 9-17, a national celebration to recognize the vital work done by AmeriCorps members in communities across the nation and in Nevada since the national service program began 19 years ago. “We are proud of and grateful to the AmeriCorps members who are getting…
The Vision Council Launches Online Resource for Low Vision and Saving Sight
The Vision Council is pleased to announce the launch of www.whatislowvision.org — a new web site created to educate the public on low vision, its symptoms, and the resources available to help. (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130228/PH61076LOGO-a ) (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130228/PH61076LOGO-b ) As America’s baby boomers enter their senior years, they may notice a gradual loss in some areas of…
Symphony Park Lecture Series Announces Next Presentation
“Rock Stars of Downtown Business” Panel discussion on the secrets of downtown’s successful business owners – large and small WHAT: During the next SymphonyPark lecture, a panel of successful business leaders, investors and entrepreneurs will share their diverse experiences as contributors to the downtown revitalization. Titled, “Rock Stars of Downtown Business,” the free public…
Great Las Vegas Music
The bars, lounges, supper clubs and joints around town are filled with another week of great entertainment. Start the weekend early with Mark Giovi at Casa di Amore. Reviewed by one website as, “Vegas, the way it used to be,” Casa di Amore remains a favorite of locals and a destination for visitors worldwide. A…
Hilton Worldwide Has Directed All Their Hotels To Install Smoking Shelters
A Handi-Hut smoking shelter installed at Hilton Worldwide headquarters was used to define the directive. Smoking shelters comply with the law without imposing a total smoking ban. The prefabricated sections are easily installed with options for designs, size, color, HVAC and lighting. Pertinent excerpts from the directive are: 1. All existing hotels currently operating with…
Natalie Cole to Headline at Nat King Cole Generation Hope, Inc. GENERATIONS Concert to Raise Funds for Music Education
Nine-time GRAMMY® award-winning singer and songwriter Natalie Cole will headline at the second annual GENERATIONS, a Nat King Cole Generation Hope Inc. concert benefit to raise funds for music education on Friday, March 1, 2013 at the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida (the venue…
North Hill, Boston-Area Senior Living Community, Wins Innovation Award and Award for Best Repositioned 50+ Housing “On the Boards” Project in the U.S.
At an awards ceremony in Las Vegas last night, North Hill, the leading Boston-area senior living community, was honored with three Gold and two Silver awards in the National Association of Home Builders Best of 50+ Housing competition. This included being named the Best Repositioned 50+ Housing project “on the boards” in the nation. And…
Locals Invited to Fall In Love Downtown
For Southern Nevadans who may not have visited downtown Las Vegas recently, Valentine’s Day is a great time to explore the area. Downtown offers a variety of opportunities for the perfect date night. The Smith Center for the Performing Arts hosts Itzhak Perlman on Feb 13. Dinner at Triple George Grill, drinks and games at…
Civil Air Patrol’s first Spaatz award recipient dies
Civil Air Patrol’s first Spaatz award recipient dies after distinguished public service career Decorated CAP cadet from Michigan became a skilled Air Force combat pilot who flew with the Thunderbirds and served as a trusted congressional aide MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. – Douglas C. Roach, the first recipient of Civil Air Patrol’s highest cadet…
Hometown Health Announces Region’s First Electronic Member ID Card
Hometown Health Announces Region’s First Electronic Member ID Card RENO, Nev. (Oct. 22, 2012) – For all those who dig through wallets, purses or pockets to locate their insurance ID cards, Hometown Health now offers an alternative – the Hometown Health eCard. With the region’s first Electronic Member ID Card, Hometown Health members can access…
Socks For Seniors
Socks for Seniors is an annual community service project through which we organize collecting NEW socks to be distributed to elderly in local area nursing homes around the holidays. The program begins with Make A Difference Day Saturday October27 – The Official Kick-off of the 2012 Socks For Seniors Campaign and runs thru Christmas….