Individuals in senior living communities require an array of health and supportive services to maintain an optimum quality of life. Often, these older adults receive fragmented care through multiple providers and payers, resulting in unnecessary health care expenditures and lower quality-of-care. To address these challenges, Brookdale is partnering with researchers at Harvard Medical School (HMS)…
Tag: grab
Debt and Senior Citizens by David Cunningham
We are in a consumer driven world. There are so many things all around us that make our lives easier and, in a way, influence us to think that we must have them. There are always things that we want which we simply cannot afford. As banks and credit card companies mushroom out of control,…
A Senior Citizen In Juvenile Hall by Eva Fry
It was my first time speaking at Juvenile Hall, I was terrified! I had seen enough movies to know I didn’t want to be there. As I hurried through the metal detectors, and pushed through the big metal doors, my heart was pounding and I was filled with fear. I wondered if I would get…
Even Senior Citizens Can Make Money From Adsense by Christopher Kyalo
For senior citizens the really good news is that one can never be too old to make money from Adsense. And like any other online opportunity Google Adsense’s strict terms and conditions do not include an upper age limit. In fact senior citizens willing to learn in their old age and also to shrug off…
Caring For Elderly Parents? Jitterbug Cell Phones & Medical Alert Devices For Senior Citizens Help! by Kaye Swain
Are you one of the many members of the never-aging Baby Boomers Generation caring for elderly parents who don’t live nearby? Or perhaps they are close, but work keeps you too busy to get over to check on them daily? Would you like something made just for them to help them in the event of…
Marketing Real Estate to Senior Citizen Buyers by Marte Cliff
Have you noticed? Senior citizens aren’t as old as they used to be. At least some aren’t. And that means you cannot market to all seniors in the same way. Senior buyers come in two varieties. The first are those who are actually suffering from the ravages of age – and are only too happy…
Where Are Senior Citizens Job Opportunities? by Raymond Angus
Are There Really Senior Citizens Job Opportunities Out There? Are you a senior, and have you convinced yourself that there aren’t any more senior citizens job opportunities lurking in the underbrush these days, let alone walking down main street U.S.A.? Do you subscribe to the notion that all senior citizens job opportunities are now being…