In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
Tag: grandmother
Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens by Natalie Aranda
Kids are easily pleased by almost any gifts as the whole world is new to them. Senior citizens may have experienced and owned everything they wanted in their life. That’s what makes a challenge when it comes to choose gifts for your grandmothers or grandfathers. No matter what time of year it is, personalized yet…
Niche Marketing Strategies For Tutoring Businesses Looking To Attract Senior Citizens by SK Tilton
For years, we’ve heard about the graying of our population from the baby boom years. Our current class of senior citizens inductees (the population born during the Baby Boom after World War II from 1946 to 1964) is going to make up close to 20% percent of the total US population by 2029 according to…