In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
Tag: grandpa
Inspirational Stamps Teach History of Civil Rights
(Family Features) The influence of family can be a powerful thing. When asked who inspired her as a child, Rosa Parks, an extraordinary American activist, answered, “My family, I would say, my mother, and my maternal grandparents. I grew up with them.” On December 1, 1955, Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing…
Choosing A Nursing Home For Your Parents
CHOOSING A NURSING HOME FOR YOUR PARENT So many of the most important decisions we make in life are made when we are least prepared to make them. So it is, when the time comes to choose whether, or which nursing home facility in which to place an aging parent. It’s estimated that 60% of…
Great Gifts For Senior Citizens by Scott Moger
We all know that one person (or couple) in our life that nearly brings us to the brink of a nervous breakdown during the holidays because we absolutely can’t find anything to buy for them. It’s a common problem, as some people just seem to literally have everything. But especially difficult is grandpa and/or grandma….
Senior Citizen Dating – Making Matches the Right Way by Susan Elizabeth
One of the reasons that you hear that people like internet dating is that they can pretend to be somebody they are not. And still manage to get a lot of dates. But no matter what you hear, or what you read in dating forums, this idea is wrong, false, incorrect, just plain bad and…
The Best Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens by Uma Eklund
It happens every year about this time. We start thinking about creative and thoughtful gifts for our older family members and friends and just can’t get any help. Search on Amazon for senior citizen gift ideas and you’ll be overwhelmed by lots of frankly inappropriate selections. So what is the magic secret to avoiding the…
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism At a time when thousands of Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65 every day, the issues of senior rights, elder laws, and anti-ageism have never been more important, more volatile, or more questioned. After all, this is the generation that was ready to…
Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens by Natalie Aranda
Kids are easily pleased by almost any gifts as the whole world is new to them. Senior citizens may have experienced and owned everything they wanted in their life. That’s what makes a challenge when it comes to choose gifts for your grandmothers or grandfathers. No matter what time of year it is, personalized yet…
Senior Citizen Abuse by Jessie Penn
News headlines report of senior citizen abuse, most everyday. Long gone are the values and moralities of our grandparent’s generation. Time was when a handshake, or your word was all that was necessary to honor commitments. Gone are the days on an unlocked house, open windows, or sitting out back alone. The elderly in today’s…
Niche Marketing Strategies For Tutoring Businesses Looking To Attract Senior Citizens by SK Tilton
For years, we’ve heard about the graying of our population from the baby boom years. Our current class of senior citizens inductees (the population born during the Baby Boom after World War II from 1946 to 1964) is going to make up close to 20% percent of the total US population by 2029 according to…
Senior Citizens and Pets by Kay Catlett
As baby-boomer pet parents reach retirement age it is common to think about putting aside the dog collars, pet clothing and dog harnesses and retire from being pet parents. This is especially common as a beloved pet may die. The usual questions of a grieving pet owner are magnified by older pet owners. The only …
My Senior Mom and I Love the Jitterbug Cell Phones for Senior Citizens by Kaye Swain
When your senior parent is having a harder time keeping up, but doesn’t want to give up their independence, you can often help by going with them on errands. It might be easier to pick up grocery items for them on your own, while running other errands. When you do that, though, your elderly parents…
Realizing You Have Become A Senior Citizen by Irene Mori
Someday you may come to the realization that you have become a senior citizen. When we are young, we think old age is so far off that we never worry about reaching it. We generally feel good physically and cannot imagine a life which includes aches and pains on a daily basis. Life is enjoyable,…
The Senior in Senior Citizens Doesn’t Automatically Mean Senile by Jeanne Gibson
I am well aware that teenagers often think that people over thirty don’t know anything. They are partially right—many of us don’t know much about things that interest teenagers, and don’t really want to. But that’s not what I meant by the title of this article. When a group is formed at church or in…