There aren’t too many seniors-only gyms around at the moment, however finding a local one that caters to your needs isn’t impossible. At your local gym try asking the following questions to see whether you might join: Does any of your staff have senior-fitness certifications? Several of the governing bodies that certify personal trainers offer…
Tag: grocer
My Senior Mom and I Love the Jitterbug Cell Phones for Senior Citizens by Kaye Swain
When your senior parent is having a harder time keeping up, but doesn’t want to give up their independence, you can often help by going with them on errands. It might be easier to pick up grocery items for them on your own, while running other errands. When you do that, though, your elderly parents…
Realizing You Have Become A Senior Citizen by Irene Mori
Someday you may come to the realization that you have become a senior citizen. When we are young, we think old age is so far off that we never worry about reaching it. We generally feel good physically and cannot imagine a life which includes aches and pains on a daily basis. Life is enjoyable,…
Healthy Eating, Exercise and Lifestyle Guide For Senior Citizens By David Crumrine
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle While it is important for people of all ages to stay healthy, it is especially important for senior citizens to maintain healthy eating habits as well as to stay active which is important in the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By practicing healthier living practices,…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Helping Hands of Vegas Valley – Las Vegas SERVING SENIORS in SOUTHERN NEVADA No Cost Services Assist Seniors to Remain Independent Established in 2000, Helping Hands of Vegas Valley is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission to provide free, assistive services to senior citizens in Southern Nevada, allowing them to maintain their dignity and independence while improving health and daily…
Nevada-Senior-Guide McKnight Senior Village – Las Vegas
McKnight Senior Village Directions: From US 95, exit Eastern north to Bonanza. Go east on Bonanza to McKnight Street, turn left. We will be on your left.571 North 30th Street Directions: From US 95, exit Eastern north to Bonanza. Go east on Bonanza to North 30 Street, turn right on 30th. Sunrise will be on…