Why is skincare the focus of longevity research? I guess a cell is a cell, and if you can crack the code for one human cell, it is only a matter of time to solving the puzzle with different types of cell – and skin is without doubt the most visible cells each of us…
Tag: life expectancy
Aging Is a Treatable Disease
Live Healthy – Look Marvelous – Live Longer There are actions you can, and should take today to dramatically improve your health, your appearance and your longevity. You can control 70% of the factors affecting your longevity; only 30% are controlled by genetics until very late in life when genetics become more controlling Almost all…
Part Four: Current and Future Anti-Aging Treatments
As previously noted, many anti-oxidants are essential nutrients. Natural anti-oxidants, like vitamin C and E, work synergistically. Anti-oxidants may be more effective if obtained from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend eating 6 or more daily servings of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Everyone agrees the use of antioxidant supplements for anti-aging…
AARP Report Highlights Need for Innovative Long-Term Care for the Aging Baby Boomer Population; Japan’s Technological Secrets May Hold the Answers
A newly published AARP report illustrates a profound demographic shift that will have consequences for decades to come, particularly in the senior living and long-term care industry. Baby boomers are entering their retirement years, while the ratio of potential family caregivers to those who require long-term services and support is beginning to drop. Fewer available…
In an Aging Society – Are Senior Citizens Driving Safely? by Diane Carbo
Remember when you couldn’t wait until you were old enough to drive. Getting a driver’s license gave us an opportunity to experience a new freedom we did not have before. For those of us with two parents working, driving meant taking ourselves and our siblings to after school activities and work. Driving took us to…
Death is Not My Next Goal – More Advice For Senior Citizens by Jerry Elrod
Aging is a phenomenon which introduces all kinds of subjects and issues we would rather leave alone. Many senior citizens (and others) are timid and reluctant to broach the subject of death, being ready for it, making necessary practical plans and decisions and even admitting to its very likelihood. Death, however, will happen to each…
What Makes Someone a Senior Citizen? by Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
Good question! Developmental Psychologists have long used either ages or stages to define segments of the population. Many developmental textbooks are divided into chapters based on one or the other of these definitions. Age definitions are ones that use numbers – such as: being 65 or older means you are a senior citizen; or all…
Reasons for Hospitalizations of Senior Citizens by Warren Comer
Experts are saying that senior citizens of today are a lot healthier than the elderly a few decades ago. Not only are they getting sick less, but they are also more active. They are living fuller lives, something that the old folks in the past couldn’t have done. What the Numbers Say Statistics show than…
Can Senior Citizens Still Find a Partner? by Robert Shorn
Senior citizens who are left single, divorced or widowed are often confronted with the question of whether one can still find a partner who will see them through till the end of their lives. Luckily, they do not have to go far to start a date. Finding the next true love of their life may…
Who Wants to Be a Senior Citizen? By Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
Funny, people want to be Senior Product Managers and Senior Developers, but who wants to be a Senior Citizen? Sarah E. Bourne Often, the very same word or words, in differing contexts, have very different meaning. The word Senior when used in industry, medicine, research, or municipal agencies, means a higher-level job, higher income,…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Laser Wellness PMA
www.laserwellnesspma.com We Believe in 3 Things… Laser Wellness PMA believes in truly a three word motto: Learn, Invest, Share We know that today is more important than ever for people to Learn about their health conditions, Learn about what natural options are out there, and to Learn how to think with a winning attitude towards…