Probably the most important benefit of massage is the pleasure of human touch, and the companionship provided during massage therapy sessions. This provides a relaxation which alone may relieve some of the loneliness, depression and fears that many seniors suffer from. A recent study found that all senior citizens who were receiving regular massages showed…
Tag: range of motion
In an Aging Society – Are Senior Citizens Driving Safely? by Diane Carbo
Remember when you couldn’t wait until you were old enough to drive. Getting a driver’s license gave us an opportunity to experience a new freedom we did not have before. For those of us with two parents working, driving meant taking ourselves and our siblings to after school activities and work. Driving took us to…
Pediatric Flatfoot – Cause for Alarm?
Untreated Flat Feet in Children Can Result in Chronic Pain, Reduced Mobility and an Increased Risk for Obesity Parents keep a close eye on their growing children, watching for proper development and alert for any sign of a problem because small problems can have big implications. Surgeons at the Annual Conference of the American…