When you become old and do not work, your monthly income stops. How to manage your monthly expenses, medical expenses? These questions are common for all senior citizens. In order to get regular incomes, people save money in various forms of investments like retirement plans, provident funds, fixed deposits etc. There is one more option…
Tag: reverse mortgage
Fraudbuster Reports from Fraud Protection Network Can Protect Senior Citizens from Financial Losses
Fraudbuster Reports from Fraud Protection Network Can Protect Senior Citizens from Financial Losses New services are designed to offer added protections for the vulnerable senior citizen market and will provide guidance and help for these at-risk individuals. The launch of Fraudbuster Reports by leading consumer and investor protection services firm Fraud Protection Network (FPN) is…
Why Are Reverse Mortgages Important to Senior Citizens? by Craig Castle
In Texas and many other parts of the country, senior citizens are being squeezed. They receive, on average, $965 per month in social security. And, while property taxes vary, a senior in many Texas cities with a home valued at $100,000 will pay more than $200 per month in property taxes alone. Add to that…
Seniors are using Reverse Mortgages to supplement their retirement incomes
Seniors are using Reverse Mortgages to supplement their retirement incomes. With 10,000 people turning 65 each day in the United States, many are turning to the Reverse Mortgage product from the FHA, to draw cash from their homes to enjoy life. A Reverse Mortgage is available to Seniors age 62 or more, who live in…