Washoe County Library System
(775) 327-8300, www.washoecountylibrary.us
Your public library is the place for print and electronic resources, literacy and cultural
programs, group technology classes, and
personal research assistance. We have 12 physical libraries and once virtual library, please visit us online for information on hours and locations. www.washoe.lib.nv.us
Resource Lending Center – Churchill
County Club 60 Senior Center
310 E. Court, Fallon, NV 89406
(775) 423-7096, ext. 22. Provides info and topic literature, books, assistive aids
Sanford Center for Aging – UNR
(775) 784-4774 Washoe County
1664 N. Virginia St., Mail Stop 146
Center for Molecular Medicine, Reno, NV 89557
Develops innovative ideas, educational and
research opportunities, and community
partnerships. A scholarship program and Continuing Education Workshops are available, SR Outreach, Volunteers, RSVP Program