Auto Insurance Discounts
AARP Driver Safety Class
Qualify for 3 yrs. Auto insurance discounts per NV Law
AARP Members $15; non-members $20
American Red Cross
1771 E. Flamingo Rd. #206B, LV, NV 89119
(702) 791-3311,
Financial, Assistance to victims of disaster,
Military Services, Retired Military, CPR & First Aid classes, Donations and Volunteers welcome.
Clark County Advocate Program
1600 Pinto Lane, LV, NV 89106, (702) 455-7051
Limited financial assistance. Call for info.
Clark County Assessor
Main Office: 500 S. Grand Central Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89106, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
3211 N. Tenaya Way #118
Las Vegas, NV 89129 (closed Fridays)
(702) 455-3891 Main Number
(702) 455-3882 Customer Service
Qualified exemptions, walk-in customers
only-payments, information
Century Link
Call for various locations. (702) 244-7400
No Federal Line Charge, Lifeline Services
Comfort Savings Program – NV Energy
(702) 402-5555 Customer Service Free home energy
efficiency audits & upgrades for income
qualified customers. Empower Program.
Cool SHARE & SXACT Comfort Programs.
Emergency Aid For Boulder City
600 Nevada Way, Boulder City, NV 89005
(702) 293-0332. Financial, Food Pantry & Housing Assistance Mon-Fri. 9am-noon. Boudler city residents.
Financial Guidance Center
2650 S. Jones Blvd., LV, NV 89146
Utility Assistance, 1st time home buyers, credit counseling.
Henderson-NV State Welfare
520 South Boulder Hwy., Henderson, NV 89015
1-800-992-0900 or 702-486-1001
1-775-684-0350 N. Nevada – Unemployment
1-888-890-8211 Other Locations
Food Stamps, Medicaid, Seniors Over 65,
Emergency Assistance, State Operators
Nevada State Welfare & Supportive Services
3330 E. Flamingo Rd., Ste. 55. LV, NV 89121
(702) 486-9400 OR 1-800-992-0900
Food Stamps, Medicaid, Seniors over 65,
Domestic Violence, Rehab.
(702) 836-3175, SNAP Program,
ENERGY Assistance
Social Security Administration
4340 Simmons St., N. LV, NV 89032
1-800-772-1213 or 1-866-614-9667 Local,
Financial Assistance, Interpreter Service: Spanish, Call for Benefits and Hours
Social Security Administration
10416 S. Eastern Ave., Henderson, NV 89052
1-800-772-1213 or 1-855-207-7084 Local Call for benefits & hours
Social Security Administration – Card Center
1250 S. Buffalo Drive, S-150, LV, NV 89117
1-800-772-1213, 1-866-704-4859 Local
Call for Benefits and Hours
Southern NV Ctr. for Independent Living
2950 S. Rainbow, #220, LV, NV 89146
(702) 889-4216,
4100 N. Martin Luther King, Ste. E100
N. LV, NV 89032, 702-649-3822
Benefits Counseling, Housing Referral,
Transportation for disabled
State of Nevada Welfare Division
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Pgm.
Energy Assistance Program,
Fixed & Low Income, Medicade