City of Pioche – County Social Services
(775) 728-4477 Lincoln County
Provides various essential programs, services, benefits to assist qualified, needy families, individuals achieve their highest level of
self-sufficiency, Transportation
Elder Protective Services (EPS)
State of Nevada – Aging & Disability
Services Agency – Northern Nevada
(775) 688-2964 Washoe County
Elder Protective Services for persons 60 years
old and older who may experience abuse,
neglect, exploitation, or isolation. Elder
Protective Services serves all of Nevada
Eureka Senior Center
20 W. Gold Street, Eureka NV 89316
(775) 237-5597
Referral Services for Low Income Energy
Assistance, USDA, and Medicare
Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe Senior Center
1885 Agency Rd., Fallon, NV 89406
(775) 423-7569 Churchill County
Offers meals, trips, traditional crafts, and
other cultural events, caregivers, food bank,
national relief charities program
Kids to Seniors Korner – Saint Mary’s
Community Wellness, Community
Based Outreach
(775) 770-6177 Washoe County
Kids to Seniors Korner assists vulnerable individuals and families, with special
emphasis on homeless children and seniors, by linking and providing them with community resources through a collaborative community partnership to increase quality of life 8am-5pm
Lyon County Human Services
1075 Pyramid St., Silver Springs, NV 89429
(775) 577-5009 Lyon County
All emergency services, Senior Services,
Low Income, Employment. 8am-5pm
Nevada Rural Counties Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Pahrump, Amargosa, Beatty, Crystal
2621 Northgate Lane, #6
Carson City, NV 89701
RSVP Program provides free local transportation to doctors, shopping, bank, Respite Care, Caregiver Program (4 hours at a time), Pro Bono Legal Services, Resistance Exercise
Training, Coupons for Farmers Market
(Call program director for information)
NYE/Esmerelda County Community
Health Nursing
1 Frankee St., Tonopah, NV 89049
(775) 482-6659. Referral Service, Immunization
flu shots, counseling for women’s/men’s
health, cancer screening
RSVP Program – NV Rural Counties
Homemaker Companions, Donations Welcome
Senior Daybreak Program
Washoe County Senior Services
(775) 328-2575 Washoe County
Daycare for adults age 18 years or older as
alternative to institutionalization, Provides respite care, nursing, day care and social
opportunities for the disabled adult,
Offers group care during the day
Senior ID Card – Douglas Cty Nevada TRIAD
(775) 782-9858 Douglas County
This card is wallet size and should be carried at all times. It contains information that could
save your life in case of an emergency.
CARE TRAK Program.
The Continuum Outreach Program
Nevada Care Connection Partner
3700 Grant Dr., Ste A, Reno, NV 89509
(775) 829-4700 Washoe County
Adult day care, therapy and rehab
Douglas County Nevada TRIAD
Dementia/Senior and Elderly Services
The Evacuation Disaster Program
(775) 782-9858 Douglas County
For those who live alone or are disabled:
in the event of a disaster and would not be able to evacuate without assistance. This program signs you up for immediate
assistance to come to your aid in the event an evacuation request is issued.
Contact for Magnet that holds health info.
Washoe County Senior Services Law Project
1155 E. 9th St., Reno, NV 89512
(775) 334-3050 Washoe County
Assists seniors of Washoe County with
Social security, supplemental security income, Medicare, food stamps, county assistance, public housing and Foreclosure Info.
Call for hours. 60+
WEARC Program (Waiver for the Elderly in
Adult Residential Care)
State of Nevada – Aging & Disability
Services Agency – Northern Nevada
(775) 688-2964 Carson City County
A home and community based waiver for the elderly in group care that offers individuals a less expensive alternative to supervised care in a residential setting