TERRY MURPHY RECOGNIZED AS SHARE HUMANITARIAN OF THE MONTH Terry Murphy, a longtime local businesswoman and community leader who is president of Strategic Solutions and serves as president of Downtown Las Vegas Alliance, is the SHARE Humanitarian for the month of May for her volunteering efforts with Veterans Village, The Rape Crisis Center and…
Tag: community outreach
Veterans Village Collaborates with Heaven Can Wait Animal Society
Veterans to pilot dog adoption program WHAT: VeteransVillageLas Vegas, a comprehensive housing and resource facility for U.S. veterans and their families, is collaborating with Heaven Can Wait Animal Society (HCWAS) Las Vegas. Two veterans will pilot a dog adoption program by volunteering to assume responsibility for the care of a dog while staying…
No more “empty nest”: middle-aged adults face family pressure on both sides
The “empty nest” of past generations, in which the kids are grown up and middle-aged adults have more time to themselves, has been replaced in the United States by a nest that’s full – kids who can’t leave, can’t find a job and aging parents who need more help than ever before. According to a…
Free Screenings During Senior Fest
Hundreds of seniors will take advantage of free health screenings offered at Senior Fest 2012, Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Reno Town Mall. Last year, seniors lined up at the large tented area to participate in this once a year community outreach for tests offered by the health care team…