Why are those with diabetes more vulnerable to gum disease? High blood glucose levels impair the body’s ability to heal from oral infections and uncontrolled diabetes can make treating gum disease more difficult, according to the American Diabetes Association. The Association is joining with Colgate to launch a new “Watch Your Mouth!” campaign to help…
Tag: diabetes
Life Extension: The Modern Anti-Aging Movement – Are We Standing at the Threshold of Immortality?
Why is skincare the focus of longevity research? I guess a cell is a cell, and if you can crack the code for one human cell, it is only a matter of time to solving the puzzle with different types of cell – and skin is without doubt the most visible cells each of us…
Living with diabetes? Watch your mouth!
Living with diabetes? Watch your mouth! (Family Features) According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with diabetes are two times more likely to develop gum disease. In fact, about one-third of people with diabetes have severe gum disease. Why are those with diabetes more vulnerable to gum disease? High blood…
Baby Boomers and Seniors face nutritional triple threat of obesity, weight loss and lack of balanced meals
Livliga dishware is a new solution to help these two generations eat right and stay healthy Americans are living longer than ever, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, but the fight to stay healthy is just as challenging as it has been with past generations. Recent studies show that the Silent Generation, born…
Study Shows that People Who Undergo Cataract Surgery to Correct Visual Impairment Live Longer
Australian researchers find a 40 percent lower mortality risk among patients who had their vision corrected through the procedure SAN FRANCISCO – Sept. 4, 2013 – People with cataract-related vision loss who have had cataract surgery to improve their sight are living longer than those with visual impairment who chose not to have the procedure, according to an Australian…
Actor Lee Majors Joins Flu + You Campaign to Raise Awareness of Risks of Flu for People 65 and Older
Actor Lee Majors Joins Flu + You Campaign to Raise Awareness of Risks of Flu for People 65 and Older National Council on Aging Launches Second Year of Education Program for Older Adults and Those Who Care for Them Aimed at Helping to Protect More Older Adults from the Flu Actor Lee Majors, best known…
Healthy Eating – 5 Dietary Requirements For Senior Citizens by Christine Abbate
Healthy eating, whether as a child or senior citizen is a vital part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Your nutritional needs are pretty much the same at 40, 50, 60 and beyond as they were when you were younger–with some minor variations. As we grow older, our bodies becomes less forgiving, and we will…
In an Aging Society – Are Senior Citizens Driving Safely? by Diane Carbo
Remember when you couldn’t wait until you were old enough to drive. Getting a driver’s license gave us an opportunity to experience a new freedom we did not have before. For those of us with two parents working, driving meant taking ourselves and our siblings to after school activities and work. Driving took us to…
Convenience and Product Selection Encourage More People to Manage Incontinence Online, Parentgiving.com Survey Reveals
Convenience and Product Selection Encourage More People to Manage Incontinence Online, Parentgiving.com Survey Reveals For the first time in its five-year history, the senior wellness site Parentgiving.com conducted an opinion survey on incontinence, reaching out to nearly 5,000 of its customers who shop for self-care products in this category. The focus was to learn how…
Headed to the Beach? Don’t Let Your Feet Ruin Your Vacation
Headed to the Beach? Don’t Let Your Feet Ruin Your Vacation CHICAGO—July 2, 2013 As millions of Americans hit the beach this summer, the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons offers these foot safety tips: Wear shoes to protect your feet from puncture wounds and cuts. Sea shells, broken glass and other sharp objects when stepped…
Senior Citizen Health Insurance – How to Make it Affordable? by Reina Raine
Senior citizen health insurance becomes a necessity as Medicare alone might be insufficient unless you have a good savings plan or 401K during working years. Retirement is a time when you get away from the daily grind and do things that you love to do. However, when you consider the cost of a senior citizen …
The Critical Importance of Recreation For Senior Citizens by Robert McCluskey
As our population ages, there is increasing emphasis on teaching and learning lifelong recreational skills. Research has shown that recreation is an important part of an individual’s social behavior. Recreation plays a critical role in the lives of older adults by contributing to an improved quality of life. People who participate in recreational activities as…
Exercise for Senior Citizens At 50 And Beyond by Renie M Rutten
Even a small amount of increased physical activity can benefit your functional health. This means getting in and out of your home to attend church, going for a walk, and getting your own mail without the assistance of someone else. Benefits Of Regular Exercise For Senior Citizens —–Improved Overall Health —–Smaller Waistline —–Lowered Risk of…
Riding to Death: How Healthy Eating Can Improve the Health of Senior Citizens by Stan Onodu
Are you a senior citizen? Medical science told us that there are ailments associated with age. You’ll agree with me that it is virtually unheard of for youngsters to complain of illnesses like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain cancers. But these are mostly the health challenges of older adults. As…
Depression in Senior Citizens by David Crumrine
Depression is a medical condition that is characterized by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless; low self-esteem; and loss of interest in things one used to enjoy. Senior citizens are prone to life-altering changes that can lead one to feel depressed. Dealing with the trials life throws at us such as, loss, change, loneliness, or a…
Activities For Senior Citizens – How Hobbies and the Mind Body Connection Work By Diane Carbo
Hobbies have a mind body connection, they are important activities for senior citizens and are an important part of healthy aging. Active seniors are proof that you can enjoy better health and have fun doing it. Research studies have shown that leisure time and physical activity promote a healthier lifestyle. Our bodies are meant to…
Comparison of Health Insurance Schemes for Senior Citizens By Shankar P Nath
It is absolutely vital that as one approaches old age, one has a substantial health insurance cover. The probability that one’s health care expenses would increase substantially is almost a given. In this piece we look and compare the different health insurance plans that are available in the market for senior citizens. While every health…
Healthy Eating, Exercise and Lifestyle Guide For Senior Citizens By David Crumrine
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle While it is important for people of all ages to stay healthy, it is especially important for senior citizens to maintain healthy eating habits as well as to stay active which is important in the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By practicing healthier living practices,…
Sometimes Little Things Can Be Huge!
By Thair Phillips, President, RetireSafe A small and relatively new product is making life easier for older Americans. It’s a simple thing, but unit dose laundry detergent packs (or pods) are helping seniors perform necessary laundry chores that they might not otherwise be able to do without help. The laundry packs’ small size and pre-measured,…
CVS Caremark Emphasizes Commitment to Older Americans at Annual American Society on Aging Conference
Company highlights the importance of medication adherence in helping seniors on their path to better health CVS Caremark (NYSE:CVS) will highlight how medication adherence plays a vital role in helping older Americans on their path to better health at the 2013 Annual American Society on Aging Conference, which is being held in Chicago this week….
Nine simple ways you can improve your heart health
Ten minutes a day is all you need to be heart healthy. Walking the dog, knowing your numbers, eating your greens – those are a few heart-healthy things that only Take 10. Since 1963, to urge Americans to join the battle against heart and vascular diseases, Congress has advised the president to proclaim February “American…
Renown Provides Advanced Training for Healthcare Professionals
Renown Provides Advanced Training for Healthcare Professionals RENO, Nev. (Oct. 30, 2012) – Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health is teaming up with the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians (NAFP) to provide advanced training for healthcare professionals across northern Nevada this weekend in a three-day educational conference. The 23rd Annual Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine…
Healthy Aging: Up2Me
Healthy Aging: Up2Me According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than 125 million people suffer from at least one chronic illness. If you are an adult with a chronic condition such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain or anxiety, this Healthy Aging : Up2Me workshop can help you. It’s also…
Blindness and Vision Loss Spike by 23 Percent in the U.S.
American Academy of Ophthalmology Urges Seniors to Save their Sight through Prevention and Early Detection Blindness and vision impairment are on the rise in the United States. A recent report by Prevent Blindness America indicates that, since the year 2000, incidence of blindness and vision impairment has increased by 23 percent among Americans age 40…
Renown Health Notices
Renown Health is committed to providing media with the latest news and events, national health trends and observances. Subject matter experts are available to discuss the following topics. Please contact Dan Davis at 775-982-6370 or ddavis2@renown.org to schedule an interview. Photos and video can also be made available. INSIDE RENOWN HEALTH • Hand Foot and…
Free Senior Help Fair
Free Senior Help Fair Provides Vital Information & Services The Senior Help Fair is a collaborative event hosted by community-based organizations comprised of health care, senior service providers and government. The HELP Fair attendees will be treated to a variety of vendors, offering health and wellness screenings, health-related tips and information about local services from…
Cataract Rates are on the Rise in Americans Age 40 and Older
Cataract Rates are on the Rise in Americans Age 40 and Older American Academy of Ophthalmology Offers Tips for Cataract Detection and Treatment SAN FRANCISCO – August 16, 2012 – The incidence of cataracts in the U.S. has risen 19 percent since 2000, impacting nearly 25 million Americans age 40 and older.[i] In fact, more…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Health Care Partners Medical Group
facebook.com/healthcarepartnersnevada About Us HealthCare Partners Nevada is a network of more than 200 primary care physicians and more than 1,300 specialists. With medical clinics and specialty care affiliates throughout Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City and Pahrump, HealthCare Partners Nevada (HCPNV) is committed to delivering the highest quality of care to all our…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Laser Wellness PMA
www.laserwellnesspma.com We Believe in 3 Things… Laser Wellness PMA believes in truly a three word motto: Learn, Invest, Share We know that today is more important than ever for people to Learn about their health conditions, Learn about what natural options are out there, and to Learn how to think with a winning attitude towards…