In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
Tag: distractions
Columbus Travel Insurance For Senior Citizens by Lee Jacksonlee
Majority of the senior citizens nowadays opt for insurance whenever they plan for any trips, especially when traveling abroad. It does not matter whether they are experienced travelers or have been waiting for the journey of a lifetime, they would still want to have a safe and enjoyable trip. Moreover, senior citizens and the rest…
Spend Time Musing – Suggestions For Senior Citizen Contemplation by Jerry Elrod
One of the big time blessings of aging is having time to think. Senior citizens indulging in thought is one of the luxuries that has too many enemies. We are bidden by the distractions and temptations which discourage genuine, quiet, and worthwhile contemplation. The patio at your home offers the silence and serenity necessary for…
Tips for caring for elderly parents – new book release
Statistics show that nearly 10 million adults over the age of 50 are caring for aging parents, according to a study by the MetLife Mature Market Institute. In her new book Mixed Nuts, professional counselor and therapist Dr. Mary Speed highlights actual patient experiences and offers advice on a variety of topic areas, including caring…