Why is skincare the focus of longevity research? I guess a cell is a cell, and if you can crack the code for one human cell, it is only a matter of time to solving the puzzle with different types of cell – and skin is without doubt the most visible cells each of us…
Tag: disease
How to Choose the Best Anti Aging Cream?
As we become old, the skin renews itself much more slowly than when you are young because the production of collagen, natural proteins that provide the firmness of the skin begin to fall, causing dehydration of the skin and wrinkles. When you reach 30/40 years, a regular moisturizer will not be enough for your skin,…
How Old Are You Really? Biological Age
People have always been interested in being “forever young” and today’s society is no different. We want to resist the ageing process. The speed at which we are ageing can be measured – its called biological age, or how old your body really is. The area of study which is now called longevity, and was…
Aging Is a Treatable Disease
Live Healthy – Look Marvelous – Live Longer There are actions you can, and should take today to dramatically improve your health, your appearance and your longevity. You can control 70% of the factors affecting your longevity; only 30% are controlled by genetics until very late in life when genetics become more controlling Almost all…
Part Four: Current and Future Anti-Aging Treatments
As previously noted, many anti-oxidants are essential nutrients. Natural anti-oxidants, like vitamin C and E, work synergistically. Anti-oxidants may be more effective if obtained from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend eating 6 or more daily servings of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Everyone agrees the use of antioxidant supplements for anti-aging…
Take a Number: Five Ways to Look at Age
One for the Ages Satchel Paige was a great baseball pitcher, one of the greatest of all time. He was an African-American and, due to the racial discrimination of the time, most of his outstanding career was not spent in the (white) major leagues. However, after the historic breakthrough by the courageous and talented Jackie…
The Development of Old Age and Related Issues
In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
Danger: Contents Under Pressure
By: Dr. Danika Bowen, Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs and Accreditation Liaison Officer Feeling overworked? Try being a heart! When you are working – it’s working. When you are playing – it’s working. When you are sleeping – it’s working. Your heart is under pressure to perform 24 hours a…
Stem cell source found in tissue discarded in hip replacements
Tissue that is typically discarded in routine hip replacement operations may offer a rich untapped source of stem cells that could be banked for later use in regenerative medicine, where patients’ own cells are used to treat disease or repair failing organs. This was the implication of a new study led by the University of…
Fight the Flu with Healthy Habits
(Family Features) With cold and flu season upon us, it may be tempting to hibernate until the danger of red, puffy eyes and a stuffy nose disappears. Waiting for a cold or flu to run its course can truly feel like an eternity, especially when the symptoms have you looking as bad as you feel….
Living with diabetes? Watch your mouth!
Living with diabetes? Watch your mouth! (Family Features) According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with diabetes are two times more likely to develop gum disease. In fact, about one-third of people with diabetes have severe gum disease. Why are those with diabetes more vulnerable to gum disease? High blood…
American Red Cross Advancing Health Options in Southern Nevada
Dr. John Lunetta, D.O. arrived in Las Vegas more than a year ago to help with the American Red Cross Blood Services regional expansion. For decades, the Red Cross blood supply in Southern Nevada came from other areas of the country, mostly from Idaho, Montana and Utah. But over the course of the last year…
Sex and the Senior Living Community: N.Y. Times
With a documented, “rapid” increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among older Americans, there’s cause for concern about unsafe sex practices happening in retirement communities around the country, says a recent New York Times opinion piece. Both chlamydia infections and syphilis diagnoses rose substantially among seniors aged 65 and older between 2007 and 2011, according to the…
Red Cross Blood Products Prolong Life of Two-Year-Old Las Vegan
Two-year-old Sawyer Balonek of Las Vegas has been diagnosed with Bruton Agammaglobulinemia, an inherited immunodeficiency disease. He has to have an infusion of immunoglobulin every four weeks from plasma extracted from blood given by volunteer donors. The blood products needed by Sawyer are provided by the American Red Cross. The Red Cross is the…
Drug interactions causing a significant impact on statin use
A new study has found that many people who stopped taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs were also taking an average of three other drugs that interfered with the normal metabolism of the statins. The other drugs can contribute to a common side effect of taking statins – muscle pain – and often led people to discontinue…
How to Talk to Aging Parents About Senior Housing
One in three adults ages 65 and older will fall each year. Use this podcast to learn how to talk to aging parents about senior living before an accident occurs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults ages 65 and older fall each year. Of these falls, 20–30 percent result…
Baby Boomers and Seniors face nutritional triple threat of obesity, weight loss and lack of balanced meals
Livliga dishware is a new solution to help these two generations eat right and stay healthy Americans are living longer than ever, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, but the fight to stay healthy is just as challenging as it has been with past generations. Recent studies show that the Silent Generation, born…
U.S. Veterans Honored by Encore.org’s 2013 Purpose Prize
Seven Awards for People Over Age 60 Solving the World’s Toughest Social Problems The Purpose Prize has become a “MacArthur genius award for people who develop a second career as social service entrepreneurs.” – The New York Times. A veteran of the U.S. Navy organizes a network of volunteers across the country to teach disabled…
Animal-Senior Citizen Companionship Leads to Improved Overall Health
The mental and physical benefits of animal companionship have been praised across the world, from seeing-eye dogs to therapy dogs to household pets. According to the US Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook, there are approximately 70 million pet dogs and 74 million pet cats in the United States. Of this number, about 63 percent of…
Study Shows that People Who Undergo Cataract Surgery to Correct Visual Impairment Live Longer
Australian researchers find a 40 percent lower mortality risk among patients who had their vision corrected through the procedure SAN FRANCISCO – Sept. 4, 2013 – People with cataract-related vision loss who have had cataract surgery to improve their sight are living longer than those with visual impairment who chose not to have the procedure, according to an Australian…
Benefits of Cayenne For Senior Citizens’ Diets by Sharon Elrod
Alternative and Complementary treatments are finally getting some long overdue recognition. Senior citizens have been among the groups of people lobbying for non-traditional medical treatment of disease. One of those non-traditional methodologies is the use of herbal medicine. Among the herbs getting appropriate accolades these days is Cayenne. Most of us think of it as…
Actor Lee Majors Joins Flu + You Campaign to Raise Awareness of Risks of Flu for People 65 and Older
Actor Lee Majors Joins Flu + You Campaign to Raise Awareness of Risks of Flu for People 65 and Older National Council on Aging Launches Second Year of Education Program for Older Adults and Those Who Care for Them Aimed at Helping to Protect More Older Adults from the Flu Actor Lee Majors, best known…
Treat them like a person, not a patient
Treat them like a person, not a patient New living systems developmental model of care shifts the focus of treating Alzheimer’s disease and other debilitating illnesses STATE COLLEGE, Pa. – Donald H. Ford observed that advanced Alzheimer’s patients, like his mother-in-law, are typically bored and lonely, and often depressed, frightened or angry. His professional knowledge…
Healthy Eating – 5 Dietary Requirements For Senior Citizens by Christine Abbate
Healthy eating, whether as a child or senior citizen is a vital part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Your nutritional needs are pretty much the same at 40, 50, 60 and beyond as they were when you were younger–with some minor variations. As we grow older, our bodies becomes less forgiving, and we will…
ALZHEIMER’S SET TO MOVE FROM THE MOST DAUNTING GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS TO THE 21ST CENTURY’S FISCAL NIGHTMARE OECD and the Global Coalition on Aging Convene at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University to Shape New Approaches for Solutions Oxford, UK (26 June 2013) – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Harris Manchester College, Oxford…
Ophthalmologists Warn that Fireworks-Related Injuries Can Cause Permanent Vision Loss
Ophthalmologists Warn that Fireworks-Related Injuries Can Cause Permanent Vision Loss American Academy of Ophthalmology and Nevada Academy of Ophthalmology urge parents to closely supervise children when around fireworks LAS VEGAS – June 26, 2013 – As the Fourth of July holiday approaches and Americans make plans to celebrate the stars and stripes with a…
Headed to the Beach? Don’t Let Your Feet Ruin Your Vacation
Headed to the Beach? Don’t Let Your Feet Ruin Your Vacation CHICAGO—July 2, 2013 As millions of Americans hit the beach this summer, the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons offers these foot safety tips: Wear shoes to protect your feet from puncture wounds and cuts. Sea shells, broken glass and other sharp objects when stepped…
Boston Elder Care Expert A. Michael Bloom Shares Coping Strategies to Support Accidental Caregivers Tending to Ailing Moms and Dads
Boston Elder Care Expert A. Michael Bloom Shares Coping Strategies to Support Accidental Caregivers Tending to Ailing Moms and Dads BOSTON, May 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations are approaching, yet millions of adult children care for parents year round while on the brink of burnout. Catapulted into the accidental caregiver role without…
Health Insurance – Boon For Senior Citizens by Mike James Soni
Water, Water everywhere but not a drop to drink! That was how Senior Citizens felt some years ago when the Health Insurance companies were selective to cater to them. With better medical conditions, people are able to live longer and healthier. However, age does bring some health related issues that needs to be taken care…
Seniors Citizens Joining a Gym – The Questions You Should Be Asking by Bob Alexander Smith
There aren’t too many seniors-only gyms around at the moment, however finding a local one that caters to your needs isn’t impossible. At your local gym try asking the following questions to see whether you might join: Does any of your staff have senior-fitness certifications? Several of the governing bodies that certify personal trainers offer…
The Senior in Senior Citizens Doesn’t Automatically Mean Senile by Jeanne Gibson
I am well aware that teenagers often think that people over thirty don’t know anything. They are partially right—many of us don’t know much about things that interest teenagers, and don’t really want to. But that’s not what I meant by the title of this article. When a group is formed at church or in…
Taking Care of a Senior Citizen in Your Own Family by Richard Fowler
You may want to take care of a member of your family who is already a senior citizen. Your desire is sincere and is definitely there and you truly want to be of help, but you should be aware of a lot of things before you actually do so. It is not an easy thing…
Ways Senior Citizens Can Keep Young by Charice Louise
No one wants to grow old before his or her time. There are some things senior citizens can do that will keep them looking and feeling younger. Consider these seven ways seniors can stay young. Geriatric Massage is one of the best things senior citizens can do for themselves. The massage of the muscles improves…
Riding to Death: How Healthy Eating Can Improve the Health of Senior Citizens by Stan Onodu
Are you a senior citizen? Medical science told us that there are ailments associated with age. You’ll agree with me that it is virtually unheard of for youngsters to complain of illnesses like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain cancers. But these are mostly the health challenges of older adults. As…
Depression in Senior Citizens by David Crumrine
Depression is a medical condition that is characterized by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless; low self-esteem; and loss of interest in things one used to enjoy. Senior citizens are prone to life-altering changes that can lead one to feel depressed. Dealing with the trials life throws at us such as, loss, change, loneliness, or a…
How Senior Citizens Can Be Better Prepared for the Upcoming Cold Season by Richard Fowler
Senior citizens are more physically vulnerable than the rest of us. During times of extreme weather, it is even more true. With the increasing occurrence of more extreme cases of weather, the vulnerability of senior citizens – be it to extreme cold, heat, strong winds, floods, etc. – is also increased several times over. With…
Health Insurance For Senior Citizens by Ram Mohan Susarla
If you are a senior citizen and do not have health insurance, the thought of having to go to an emergency room in case of illness may be troubling you. You should have planned for your retirement but if you did not include the details of having Health Insurance after you retire, you are at…
Healthy Eating, Exercise and Lifestyle Guide For Senior Citizens By David Crumrine
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle While it is important for people of all ages to stay healthy, it is especially important for senior citizens to maintain healthy eating habits as well as to stay active which is important in the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By practicing healthier living practices,…
The Harrowing Medical Journey of a Cancer Survivor by Nina Kramer
The Harrowing Medical Journey of a Cancer Survivor by Nina Kramer “‘You have cancer’ are three of the scariest words you will ever hear,” says Nina Kramer, author of the new book, The Harrowing Medical Journey of a Cancer Survivor. “But how you react after hearing those words can mean the difference between thriving and…
Northern Nevada Medical Center Pain Management Center First Program in Nation Awarded Certification in Low Back Pain
Sparks, NV, April 4, 2013 – Northern Nevada Medical Center’s Pain Management Program recently earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval™ in Low Back Pain. The program is the first in the nation to receive this certification. This certification recognizes NNMC’s dedication to continuous compliance with The Joint Commission’s state-of-the-art standards. To achieve this…
Sometimes Little Things Can Be Huge!
By Thair Phillips, President, RetireSafe A small and relatively new product is making life easier for older Americans. It’s a simple thing, but unit dose laundry detergent packs (or pods) are helping seniors perform necessary laundry chores that they might not otherwise be able to do without help. The laundry packs’ small size and pre-measured,…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Health Care Partners Medical Group
facebook.com/healthcarepartnersnevada About Us HealthCare Partners Nevada is a network of more than 200 primary care physicians and more than 1,300 specialists. With medical clinics and specialty care affiliates throughout Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City and Pahrump, HealthCare Partners Nevada (HCPNV) is committed to delivering the highest quality of care to all our…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Laser Wellness PMA
www.laserwellnesspma.com We Believe in 3 Things… Laser Wellness PMA believes in truly a three word motto: Learn, Invest, Share We know that today is more important than ever for people to Learn about their health conditions, Learn about what natural options are out there, and to Learn how to think with a winning attitude towards…