www.carolannkimble.com Carol Ann Kimble is an Impathic Counselor. She has the ability to feel the feelings of others by bonding with their subconscious mind. By doing this, she is able to assist them in releasing any blocks or fear that is within the channel of energy that exists between the conscious and subconscious mind. She…
Tag: challenges
How to Talk to Aging Parents About Senior Housing
One in three adults ages 65 and older will fall each year. Use this podcast to learn how to talk to aging parents about senior living before an accident occurs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults ages 65 and older fall each year. Of these falls, 20–30 percent result…
Baby Boomers and Seniors face nutritional triple threat of obesity, weight loss and lack of balanced meals
Livliga dishware is a new solution to help these two generations eat right and stay healthy Americans are living longer than ever, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, but the fight to stay healthy is just as challenging as it has been with past generations. Recent studies show that the Silent Generation, born…
U.S. Veterans Honored by Encore.org’s 2013 Purpose Prize
Seven Awards for People Over Age 60 Solving the World’s Toughest Social Problems The Purpose Prize has become a “MacArthur genius award for people who develop a second career as social service entrepreneurs.” – The New York Times. A veteran of the U.S. Navy organizes a network of volunteers across the country to teach disabled…
Staying Safe on the Road: Senior Driving Guide
Learn the challenges that may keep older adults off the road and find tips for staying safe behind the wheel According to a recent study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, drivers in their mid- to late-80s have lower overall crash rates than drivers in their early 20s and roughly half as many crashes…
National Report: Oral Health of Older Americans In A ‘State of Decay’
Oral Health America Launches First-of-its-Kind Website to Connect Older Adults to Affordable Dental Care and Resources The oral health of older Americans is in a state of decay, according to a new national report released today by Oral Health America (OHA). A State of Decay, a state-by-state analysis of oral healthcare delivery and public health…
Study by Harvard Medical School Researchers Examines Senior Living’s Role in Changing Health Care System
Individuals in senior living communities require an array of health and supportive services to maintain an optimum quality of life. Often, these older adults receive fragmented care through multiple providers and payers, resulting in unnecessary health care expenditures and lower quality-of-care. To address these challenges, Brookdale is partnering with researchers at Harvard Medical School (HMS)…
“Aging in Place” is the focus of a multi-platform report by the PBS NEWSHOUR
“Aging in Place” is the focus of a multi-platform report by the PBS NEWSHOUR Report is the latest in TAKING CARE: a 6-part series the challenges of long-term care NewsHour Online offers tips for seniors, profiles a pilot program in Baltimore, and shares personal stories As Americans live longer, more-productive lives, many seniors are seeking…
Fullfilling Your Dreams, As a Senior Citizen by Eva Fry
Today there are 30 million seniors. In 2030 there will be 70 million. The senior years can be an opportunity to fulfill dreams. Think of how happy those 70 million seniors will be if they believe they still have time to live their dreams. Think of how much happier and better our world will be…
No One Told Me Being A Senior Citizen Would Be Such Fun by Eva Fry
I am a late-bloomer singer/songwriter from San Diego. I didn’t know how much fun it would be to be a senior citizen but my senior years have been my most exciting and I hope to inspire other seniors to live their dreams, as I am doing. Let me tell you of my accomplishments, so you…
WestCare Foundation Announces Expanded Veterans Programs
WestCare Foundation Announces Expanded Veterans Programs (Las Vegas) – WestCare, a community-based nonprofit providing responsive human services and behavioral health care programs for four decades, announced today that it has expanded its Veterans’ services. WestCare, founded in Las Vegas 40 years ago, serves approximately 5,000 veterans throughout the United States annually. America’s returning warriors often…
ALZHEIMER’S SET TO MOVE FROM THE MOST DAUNTING GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS TO THE 21ST CENTURY’S FISCAL NIGHTMARE OECD and the Global Coalition on Aging Convene at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University to Shape New Approaches for Solutions Oxford, UK (26 June 2013) – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Harris Manchester College, Oxford…
Informative Information for Female Senior Citizens and Purse Snatching by Lawanna Bean
Female Senior Citizens and Purse Snatching I have read several articles recently about older women having their purses snatched. I am a 70 year old female senior citizen and realize that women who are older are perfect victims for purse snatchers. Mainly, because they are not able to defend themselves as well as a younger,…
TERRY MURPHY RECOGNIZED AS SHARE HUMANITARIAN OF THE MONTH Terry Murphy, a longtime local businesswoman and community leader who is president of Strategic Solutions and serves as president of Downtown Las Vegas Alliance, is the SHARE Humanitarian for the month of May for her volunteering efforts with Veterans Village, The Rape Crisis Center and…
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism At a time when thousands of Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65 every day, the issues of senior rights, elder laws, and anti-ageism have never been more important, more volatile, or more questioned. After all, this is the generation that was ready to…
Senior Citizens Can Become Great Customers by Michael McCann
If you think the senior citizen market isn’t dynamic, then you’re really out of touch with marketing. Thirty-five percent of our population is over 55 years old, and these very affluent seniors control almost 45 percent of the disposable income of our country. Neither Madison Avenue nor the advertising agency down the block takes this …
Taking Care of a Senior Citizen in Your Own Family by Richard Fowler
You may want to take care of a member of your family who is already a senior citizen. Your desire is sincere and is definitely there and you truly want to be of help, but you should be aware of a lot of things before you actually do so. It is not an easy thing…
Riding to Death: How Healthy Eating Can Improve the Health of Senior Citizens by Stan Onodu
Are you a senior citizen? Medical science told us that there are ailments associated with age. You’ll agree with me that it is virtually unheard of for youngsters to complain of illnesses like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain cancers. But these are mostly the health challenges of older adults. As…
Healthy Eating, Exercise and Lifestyle Guide For Senior Citizens By David Crumrine
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle While it is important for people of all ages to stay healthy, it is especially important for senior citizens to maintain healthy eating habits as well as to stay active which is important in the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By practicing healthier living practices,…
Nevada Honors Impact of AmeriCorps during AmeriCorps Week
[RENO/LAS VEGAS] — Nevada is taking part in AmeriCorps Week, March 9-17, a national celebration to recognize the vital work done by AmeriCorps members in communities across the nation and in Nevada since the national service program began 19 years ago. “We are proud of and grateful to the AmeriCorps members who are getting…
Top Five Tips To Save Your Vision: EyeCare America Encourages Prevention and Early Detection
Many people take their vision for granted, but what if you lost your peripheral vision, developed a black spot in the center of your visual field, or even went blind altogether? For more than 4.2 million Americans living with serious vision loss or blindness, these and other vision challenges can make it difficult to enjoy…
New International Federation on Ageing Report Declares Vision Loss No Longer an Inevitable Part of Ageing
Calls for Investments in Preventive Eye Health to Reduce Social and Economic Burdens of Vision Loss The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) today released a new report describing the health, social and economic burdens of vision loss on a global society that is rapidly ageing. The report calls for increased public education and awareness programs,…
Tips to increase safety and lower the risk of hearing loss when listening to music while exercising
Listening to loud music through headphones can make a walk, run or bike ride more enjoyable, but it can distract from potential hazards. There are two serious issues: compromised safety and the risk of increased hearing loss. Serious accidents involving pedestrians wearing headphones with electronic devices such as iPods and MP3 Players have more than…
Local Leader Larry W. Ruvo to receive national honor and one NV senior to receive $20,000 Horatio Alger scholarships
The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc., is pleased to announce that Larry W. Ruvo is one of 11 individuals selected to receive the Horatio Alger Award in 2013. The Horatio Alger Award is presented each year to individuals who have overcome obstacles to become successful entrepreneurs or community leaders. Based in Nevada, Larry…
Jewish War Veterans Come Together to Help Veterans Village Las Vegas
Veterans Village Las Vegas, is a comprehensive housing and resource facility for U.S. veterans and their families and located in a repurposed Econo Lodge motel on Las Vegas Boulevard, has a new support group – more than 60 members of the Jewish War Veterans Murray L. Rosen Post 64. According to Senior Vice Commander Steve…
No more “empty nest”: middle-aged adults face family pressure on both sides
The “empty nest” of past generations, in which the kids are grown up and middle-aged adults have more time to themselves, has been replaced in the United States by a nest that’s full – kids who can’t leave, can’t find a job and aging parents who need more help than ever before. According to a…
AARP Launches New YouTube Series, The Cheap Life with Jeff Yeager
AARP Savings Expert’s Weekly Series Helps People Get the Most for their Money WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Today, AARP launched the latest in its original video series on YouTube, “The Cheap Life with Jeff Yeager,” featuring AARP savings expert Jeff Yeager. During each weekly episode, Yeager, who is also known as the “Ultimate…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Willow Creek
www.willowcreeklv.com Who We Are A Little Bit of History… Founded in 1992, Willow Creek Association (WCA) is a not-for-profit Christian organization that exists to maximize the transformative power of the local church. Our vision is to see every local church reach its full redemptive potential — becoming an unbridled conduit for the transforming power of…