Australian business is starting to see the light when it comes to their hiring policies for mature aged employees, and the positive impact they can have on the workplace. A brief visit to main street shopping centre and you will begin to see a few more weathered faces at work than you would have seen…
Tag: cri
Aging Is a Treatable Disease
Live Healthy – Look Marvelous – Live Longer There are actions you can, and should take today to dramatically improve your health, your appearance and your longevity. You can control 70% of the factors affecting your longevity; only 30% are controlled by genetics until very late in life when genetics become more controlling Almost all…
Part Four: Current and Future Anti-Aging Treatments
As previously noted, many anti-oxidants are essential nutrients. Natural anti-oxidants, like vitamin C and E, work synergistically. Anti-oxidants may be more effective if obtained from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend eating 6 or more daily servings of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Everyone agrees the use of antioxidant supplements for anti-aging…
Take a Number: Five Ways to Look at Age
One for the Ages Satchel Paige was a great baseball pitcher, one of the greatest of all time. He was an African-American and, due to the racial discrimination of the time, most of his outstanding career was not spent in the (white) major leagues. However, after the historic breakthrough by the courageous and talented Jackie…
The Development of Old Age and Related Issues
In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969). In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed out…
The Benefits of Medicare Advantage
Dr. Amir Bacchus The annual election period during which seniors can enroll in Medicare Advantage plans began on Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 7. During this open enrollment period, many of Nevada’s senior citizens will assess their health care needs and weigh their options carefully to determine whether a Medicare Advantage plan is right for…
WestCare Foundation Announces Expanded Veterans Programs
WestCare Foundation Announces Expanded Veterans Programs (Las Vegas) – WestCare, a community-based nonprofit providing responsive human services and behavioral health care programs for four decades, announced today that it has expanded its Veterans’ services. WestCare, founded in Las Vegas 40 years ago, serves approximately 5,000 veterans throughout the United States annually. America’s returning warriors often…
ALZHEIMER’S SET TO MOVE FROM THE MOST DAUNTING GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS TO THE 21ST CENTURY’S FISCAL NIGHTMARE OECD and the Global Coalition on Aging Convene at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University to Shape New Approaches for Solutions Oxford, UK (26 June 2013) – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Harris Manchester College, Oxford…
Betty White’s “Off Their Rockers” TV Show Is Demeaning to Older People, Says Octogenarian Anti-Aging Expert Barbara Morris
Betty White’s “Off Their Rockers” TV Show Is Demeaning to Older People, Says Octogenarian Anti-Aging Expert Barbara Morris ESCONDIDO, Calif., May 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — While everyone loves Betty White, not everybody loves her TV show, “Off Their Rockers” according to octogenarian anti-aging expert Barbara Morris, editor, and publisher of the online Put Old on…
TERRY MURPHY RECOGNIZED AS SHARE HUMANITARIAN OF THE MONTH Terry Murphy, a longtime local businesswoman and community leader who is president of Strategic Solutions and serves as president of Downtown Las Vegas Alliance, is the SHARE Humanitarian for the month of May for her volunteering efforts with Veterans Village, The Rape Crisis Center and…
NAELA Applauds Overdue Protections for Low-Income Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities
For Immediate Release May 3, 2013 Contact: Abby Matienzo, Communications Associate 703-942-5711 #230 NAELA Applauds Overdue Protections for Low-Income Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities SSI Restoration Act of 2013 Positive Step in Debate Over Benefits for America’s Most Vulnerable Citizens Washington, DC – The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) supports Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) in his dedication…
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism At a time when thousands of Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65 every day, the issues of senior rights, elder laws, and anti-ageism have never been more important, more volatile, or more questioned. After all, this is the generation that was ready to…
Life Insurance Planning for Senior Citizens by Natalie Aranda
Life Insurance has sometimes been described as a bet between you and the Insurance Company. The Insurance Company is betting that you are going to live and you are betting that you are going to die. If you do die, you win the bet. This approach has been the basis of life Insurance policies in…
Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens by Natalie Aranda
Kids are easily pleased by almost any gifts as the whole world is new to them. Senior citizens may have experienced and owned everything they wanted in their life. That’s what makes a challenge when it comes to choose gifts for your grandmothers or grandfathers. No matter what time of year it is, personalized yet…
Even Senior Citizens Can Make Money From Adsense by Christopher Kyalo
For senior citizens the really good news is that one can never be too old to make money from Adsense. And like any other online opportunity Google Adsense’s strict terms and conditions do not include an upper age limit. In fact senior citizens willing to learn in their old age and also to shrug off…
Why Are Reverse Mortgages Important to Senior Citizens? by Craig Castle
In Texas and many other parts of the country, senior citizens are being squeezed. They receive, on average, $965 per month in social security. And, while property taxes vary, a senior in many Texas cities with a home valued at $100,000 will pay more than $200 per month in property taxes alone. Add to that…
Senior Citizens – Victims No More by Chris Bruno
Violent crime against senior citizens used to be unthinkable. It was rare that a street thug would target an elderly person; however criminals of today have a totally different mindset. They prey upon those they perceive to be weak and an easy target and who will offer the least resistance. In the mind of a…
Note To Criminals: Do Not Mess With Senior Citizens That Carry Pepper Spray by Carl Vouer
Dear criminals, We understand your plight, you need money to help fuel your insatiable appetite for drugs and alcohol and because you are morally and ethically bankrupt you would like to attain this money in the easiest and sleaziest way possible; by mugging the decent, hard-working, law-abiding citizens of this country. We also understand that…
Senior Citizen Moving Tips For the Elderly by Nancy Davies
Most of the families have to move once or twice in their life and many people experience their first move when they are senior citizen. Maybe they are living alone in a huge house and need to move to a small condo or apartment that will be easier to maintain and also easier on their…