A new study from the UK and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal claims that people who enjoy life will have better physical function and faster walking speeds than their more pessimistic counterparts. We already know there are health benefits associated with a positive outlook on life. A study from 2013 suggested people who have happy marriages also…
Tag: disability
Medicare Annual Open Enrollment Changes Are Expected, Allsup Explains
Medicare Annual Open Enrollment Changes Are Expected, Allsup Explains New Medicare plan options for 2014 will be available Oct. 15, but Health Insurance Marketplace enrollment could confuse beneficiaries There are only a few weeks before the Medicare annual open enrollment period begins Oct. 15. This year’s Medicare season crosses calendars with the rollout of the…
Life Insurance Schemes Aimed At Senior Citizens by Bobby E Richardson
I remember reading a news post once about a man in Florida that was arrested in a Life Insurance scam. It had been estimated that he had stolen millions in Life Insurance money from our senior citizens. Just thinking about the story infuriates me, and inspired me to give a few pointers out to seniors…
Boston Elder Care Expert A. Michael Bloom Shares Coping Strategies to Support Accidental Caregivers Tending to Ailing Moms and Dads
Boston Elder Care Expert A. Michael Bloom Shares Coping Strategies to Support Accidental Caregivers Tending to Ailing Moms and Dads BOSTON, May 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations are approaching, yet millions of adult children care for parents year round while on the brink of burnout. Catapulted into the accidental caregiver role without…
NAELA Applauds Overdue Protections for Low-Income Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities
For Immediate Release May 3, 2013 Contact: Abby Matienzo, Communications Associate 703-942-5711 #230 NAELA Applauds Overdue Protections for Low-Income Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities SSI Restoration Act of 2013 Positive Step in Debate Over Benefits for America’s Most Vulnerable Citizens Washington, DC – The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) supports Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) in his dedication…
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism
Top 100 Blogs On Senior Rights, Elder Law, And Anti-Ageism At a time when thousands of Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65 every day, the issues of senior rights, elder laws, and anti-ageism have never been more important, more volatile, or more questioned. After all, this is the generation that was ready to…
Advocacy Service for People 50 Plus
Advocacy Service for People 50 Plus BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., April 18, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — 50 Plus Disability is an advocacy service for people 50 years of age and older who want their Social Security disability benefits. 50 Plus Disability is the only organization in the United States that provides this kind of advocacy only for…
Taking Care of a Senior Citizen in Your Own Family by Richard Fowler
You may want to take care of a member of your family who is already a senior citizen. Your desire is sincere and is definitely there and you truly want to be of help, but you should be aware of a lot of things before you actually do so. It is not an easy thing…
Make Your Home Safer for Senior Citizens by Richard Fowler
You want to make your home as safe as possible for everyone who lives in it and for those who visit you from time to time. It is just a general thing; you just want it to be safe for everyone who happens to go to your home – for whatever reason. But when you…
How Senior Citizens Can Be Better Prepared for the Upcoming Cold Season by Richard Fowler
Senior citizens are more physically vulnerable than the rest of us. During times of extreme weather, it is even more true. With the increasing occurrence of more extreme cases of weather, the vulnerability of senior citizens – be it to extreme cold, heat, strong winds, floods, etc. – is also increased several times over. With…
Health Insurance For Senior Citizens by Ram Mohan Susarla
If you are a senior citizen and do not have health insurance, the thought of having to go to an emergency room in case of illness may be troubling you. You should have planned for your retirement but if you did not include the details of having Health Insurance after you retire, you are at…
Sometimes Little Things Can Be Huge!
By Thair Phillips, President, RetireSafe A small and relatively new product is making life easier for older Americans. It’s a simple thing, but unit dose laundry detergent packs (or pods) are helping seniors perform necessary laundry chores that they might not otherwise be able to do without help. The laundry packs’ small size and pre-measured,…
City Of Las Vegas October 2012 – Recreation, Adaptive Recreation, Sports & Community Special Events
City Of Las Vegas October 2012 – Recreation, Adaptive Recreation, Sports & Community Special Events All activities are subject to change. For links to facilities, programs, classes and activities in the current Beyond the Neon guide, go online to www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Find/recreation.htm. Most activities require advance registration. Register today to build your healthy lifestyle! Most facilities are closed…
30th Annual Caregiver Conference
Aging Services Directors Organization Come join us for our 30th Annual Caregiver Conference! Wednesday, October 24th at UnitedHealthcare Registration forms forthcoming – 200 seats available. Theme is “ HEALTHY AGING” Keynote Speaker is Aging and Disability Serices Division’s Mary Liveratti 5 Estimated CEUs available!
Seniors Citizens are a high priority in Washoe County
Seniors Citizens are a high priority in Washoe County Washoe County is experiencing a rapid demographic shift because of the aging of the “baby boom” generation. Like every community in America, we are evaluating how to provide services to the most vulnerable seniors. After an April 2, 2012 presentation by Washoe County Senior Services…
Nevada-Senior-Guide El Paseo Senior Community
http://www.horizonseniors.com/ El Paseo is a brand new, beautiful senior community for individuals who are 55 or better. El Paseo Senior community is conveniently located near the breath-taking Bosque. Amenities Special Features Washer & dryer included Elevators in all buildings Controlled-access gates Mountain & valley views Sparkling pool & year-round spa Pets welcome Covered parking available…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Specialty Needs, Memory and Disability – Northern Nevada Rural
Daybreak Program 1155 E. 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512 775-328-2575 Washoe County www.co.washoe.nv.us/health Offers adult day care for elderly or disabled persons. Includes recreation, meals & therapy Nevada Caregiver Support Center University of Nevada – Reno, Nevada (775) 784-4335 Washoe County www.nevadacaregiver.org Offers support services and wellness program for seniors with memory disorders who…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Medical and Health Services Directory – Northern Nevada Rural
City of Pioche – County Social Services Information (775) 728-4477 Lincoln County www.co.lincoln.nv.us Provides various essential programs, services, benefits to assist qualified, needy families, individuals achieve their highest level of self-sufficiency, Transportation Elder Protective Services (EPS) State of Nevada – Aging & Disability Services Agency – Northern Nevada (775) 688-2964 Washoe County Elder Protective Services…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Chore Services and Home Maintenance Directory – Northern Nevada Rural
Churchill County Senior Center Volunteer Program 310 E. Court St., Fallon, NV 89406 (775) 423-7096, Ext. 22 Churchill County Meals on Wheels, Lunch M-F 11am, Socials, Blood Pressure Support Group each month for caregivers, CART Program, Lite house keeping Community Home-Based Initiative Program (CHIP) – Carson City State of Nevada – Aging & Disability…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Care Giver Assistance Directory – Northern Nevada Rural
Community Home-Based Initiative Program (CHIP) – Carson City State of Nevada – Aging & Disability Services Agency – Northern Nevada Short-Term Respite Care for the Elderly – Carson City (775) 687-4210 Carson City County (775) 738-1966 Elko County (775) 688-2964 Washoe County www.nvaging.net Provides short-term relief up to 24-hours of care for the primary caregiver,…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Advocacy Directory – Northern Nevada Rural
Advocates for Elders Program State of Nevada – Aging & Disability Services Agency Northern Nevada 445 Apple St., S104, Reno, NV 89502 (775) 688-2964 – Carson City County www.nvaging.net Advocacy and assistance to frail seniors, RX & Drug Program, Rent & Tax Rebates, Elder Abuse, CHIP, Suicide Prevention, WEARC Program Human Services Department…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Multiple Services Directory – Northern Nevada
Access to Healthcare Networks Discounted Dental and Vision Program 4001 S. Virginia St., Ste F, Reno, NV 89502 (775) 284-8989, 1-877-385-2345 HELP Affordable Dental and Vision Care, SHIP, Medical, Massage therapy www.accesstohealthcare.org Catholic Charities of N. Nevada & St. Vincent Program 500 E. 4th St., Reno, NV 89512, 775-322-7073 Dining room free lunch, 11:30am…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Disability Services – Northern Nevada
Care Services of Nevada Inc. 987 Bible Way, Reno NV 89052 Phone (775) 284-4855 Fax (775) 284-4857 www.csonv.org Support Living Arrangement, Non-Medical Personal Care Services, Respite Care
Nevada-Senior-Guide Volunteer Opportunities Directory – Southern Nevada
American Diabetes Foundation 702-369-9995, www.diabetes.org/volunteer Blind Center of Nevada (702) 642-6000, Call for info Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada 702-382-0721. Opportunities available for volunteers Clark County Library District (702) 734-7323 – Looking for volunteers Comfort Hospice Care 6655 W. Sahara, #B 114, LV, NV 89146 Contact – Debbie Gregory. Volunteers to work…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Resource Centers Directory – Southern Nevada
Pahrump Family Resource Center https://www.loc8nearme.com/nevada/pahrump/621-s-blagg-rd/6953034/ Cappalappa Family Resource Ctr.. 189 N. Moapa Valley Blvd., Overton, NV 89040 1 (702) 397-6400, 8am-4pm. Advocacy, Referral, Friendly Visitation, Thrift Store East Valley Family Services 1830 E. Sahara Ave., Ste 103, LV, NV 89104 (702) 920-6581. Respite care by appointment, support groups available. Call for…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Referral Service Directory – Southern Nevada
Better Business Bureau 6040 S. Jones Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 320-4500, www.bbb.org Referral Service, Complaint processing, 8-4pm Friends of Parkinson’s Inc. 2400 N. Teneya Way, LV, NV 89128 702-381-4141, www.friendsofparkinsons.org Email: info@ www.friendsofparkinsons.org Mission to improve quality of life for those affected by parkinson’s through services, advocacy, and education…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Home Repair Directory – Southern Nevada
Helping Hands of N. Las Vegas 3640 N. 5th St., Ste. 130, N. LV, NV 89032 (702) 649-7853. Home repair for small jobs, call for eligible zip code areas. Inside work only. M-Th 8am-3pm, Fri 8am-2pm LV Urban League Senior Home Services 3575 W. Cheyenne, N. LV, NV 89032 702-636-3949, Call for…
Nevada-Senior-Guide Handicap and Disability Services Directory – Southern Nevada
Blind Center of Nevada 1001 North Bruce Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 642-6000, www.blindcenter.org Friendly Visitation, Education, Referral, Daily Activities, Telecommunications for members, Transportation to center & home, Volunteers Welcome, Recycle computers & electronics. Blind Connect, Inc. 6375 W. Charleston Blvd. #200,LV, NV 89146 (702) 631-9009, www.blindconnect.org Counseling, Advocacy, Education, Referral …
Nevada-Senior-Guide Advocacy Directory – Southern Nevada
AARP – Nevada State Office / Contact Center 5820 S. Eastern Ave. #190, LV, NV 89119 Toll Free 1-866-389-5652 www.aarp.org/nv Advocacy, Employment Assistance, Safe Driving Instruction, Tax Services Clark County Senior Advocate Pgm. 1600 Pinto Lane, LV, NV 89106 (702) 455-7051, www.accessclarkcounty.com Referral Service, C/C Social Services, SR Programs, Long Term Placement. Home …
Nevada-Senior-Guide Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division
http://www.nvaging.net/ The Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD) in the State of Nevada, Department of Health and Human Services, represents Nevadans aged 60 years and older and those with disabilities. Mission Statement The Aging and Disability Services Division provides leadership and advocacy in the planning, development and delivery of a high quality, comprehensive support service system across the…