Senior citizen retirement could be an extended way off for you or it may represent something in the near future. Regardless of that amount of time, you without a doubt, need to begin saving up for it at once. Even so, preserving cash for retirement Is not what it used to be with the cost…
Category: Articles
Senior Citizen Homes by David Stillwagon
As the birth rate continues to go down in most of the world the senior citizens population as a percentage of the total population is increasing. One of the main reasons is health care that is geared toward older folks and the increasing awareness of making the most of your later years. Not only are…
Birthday Party Ideas for Senior Citizens by Criss White
Many people believe that once you get to a certain age a birthday becomes another wrinkle on their forehead, or another grey hair on their head. This just isn’t the case! There are many senior citizens who look forward to their birthday almost as much as they did when they were young children. A birthday …
Safety Tips for Traveling With Senior Citizens by David Stillwagon
Feeling safe and secure is vital when you are traveling whether you are traveling by yourself or with a group or family. It is always a big concern when you have children especially when you are in an area that isn’t familiar to you. Children have a habit of wandering away so keeping an eye…
Senior Citizen Insurance by Jerry Fatjo
Senior citizen insurance is used by people who are 65 years old or above. The reason why this is a separate category of insurance is because senior citizens tend to have more health related troubles, compared to younger people. Therefore it is important for a senior citizen to find the right type of insurance. They…
Senior Citizen Travel Insurance: What You Need To Know by Jane Conway
Finding travel insurance can be difficult for anyone, but if you are over a certain age, then you may discover that getting the coverage you need is even more challenging. This article covers the basics of why finding senior citizen travel insurance can be more difficult, and what specifics you need to look for in…
Jobs for Senior Citizens – A Few Things to Think About by Thomas Freers
Jobs for senior citizens are very popular among those who want to be active even after retirement. However, are there any opportunities really available for such people? There are quite a lot of jobs available but you will have to be very careful about the option you select and will have to think twice before …
Senior Citizens Assisted Living Options by Sean Lightfoot
A recent study on seniors has shown that independent senior citizens assisted living is the #1 choice for them versus living with a loved one. Most people feel that living with others would cause them to be a burden on them. As an individual grows older, they begin to need the assistance of others more…
The Critical Importance of Recreation For Senior Citizens by Robert McCluskey
As our population ages, there is increasing emphasis on teaching and learning lifelong recreational skills. Research has shown that recreation is an important part of an individual’s social behavior. Recreation plays a critical role in the lives of older adults by contributing to an improved quality of life. People who participate in recreational activities as…
Where Are Senior Citizens Job Opportunities? by Raymond Angus
Are There Really Senior Citizens Job Opportunities Out There? Are you a senior, and have you convinced yourself that there aren’t any more senior citizens job opportunities lurking in the underbrush these days, let alone walking down main street U.S.A.? Do you subscribe to the notion that all senior citizens job opportunities are now being…
Senior Citizens – Burdened With Grief and Anger by Jessie Penn
Grief and anger often becomes a heavy burden for people as they age. Throughout life, people experience grief over many things. They grieve if there home burns down, lose a job or a pet. However, an area of loss that is not usually considered with grief is the physical decline during the aging process. Grief…
Brain Exercises For Senior Citizens by Carson Hill
Brain exercise is a great way for senior citizens to maintain brain health and maintain the focus and clarity that they’ve utilized most of their life! As adults age, they tend to use their brain less frequently. As a result of the brain not being challenged, it gradually deteriorates. Most people attribute the brains deterioration…
How Senior Citizens Can Sharpen Their Brain – False Rumors and Proven Methods by Carson Hill
Senior citizens can benefit very much from brain sharpening tips and techniques today! In this article, I’m going to eliminate many of the false rumors on how to stretch ones mind and actually sharpen it. I will then go over some great options to help senior citizens as far as mind sharpening goes. There are…
Senior Citizens Can Become Great Customers by Michael McCann
If you think the senior citizen market isn’t dynamic, then you’re really out of touch with marketing. Thirty-five percent of our population is over 55 years old, and these very affluent seniors control almost 45 percent of the disposable income of our country. Neither Madison Avenue nor the advertising agency down the block takes this …
Meeting and Socializing Locations For Senior Citizens by Padmanabha Vyasamoorthy
As a person working for the welfare of senior citizens I am always interested in meeting several of them in one place. Therefore I used to go to places where they are normally seen in good numbers. I took the help of a web group called sss-global and found out places where I can further…
Tips For Senior Citizen Travelers by Gerry Restrivera
Traveling is one thing that even older people can enjoy. Whether you are a seasoned traveller or someone who is just beginning to enjoy traveling, these travel advice can help you plan a safe and enjoyable trip. Here are some helpful tips for senior citizen travelers: Prepare your documents as early as possible. Passport is…
Trip to Mexico For Senior Citizens by Jhye Jhyiong
For senior citizens, you will have plenty of time for vacation and can afford to choose a longer itinerary as you are not bound by work. For an elderly traveler to Mexico, you are in a better position than most other travelers as you are removed from the hassle of too many things on your…
How Much Have You Changed? A Dilemma For Senior Citizens by Jerry Elrod
Now that you are 50 or 60 or 70 or so, how much have you changed? As a senior citizen in retirement, do you still see yourself as you were 10 or more years ago? What experiences, dramatic or subtle, have changed the mold you always saw yourself fitting? Here is an illustration giving proof…
Prepares You For the Unforeseen – Senior Citizen Travel Insurance! by Kirthy Shetty
Choose the place you want to travel, and senior citizen travel insurance agent can provide you sound advice with the most flexible packages for you. If you prefer to choose multi-pack travel insurance you have the advantage of getting covered for several trips in a year or if it’s a single trip, then you can…
Taking Care of a Senior Citizen in Your Own Family by Richard Fowler
You may want to take care of a member of your family who is already a senior citizen. Your desire is sincere and is definitely there and you truly want to be of help, but you should be aware of a lot of things before you actually do so. It is not an easy thing…
Ways Senior Citizens Can Keep Young by Charice Louise
No one wants to grow old before his or her time. There are some things senior citizens can do that will keep them looking and feeling younger. Consider these seven ways seniors can stay young. Geriatric Massage is one of the best things senior citizens can do for themselves. The massage of the muscles improves…
Join Senior Citizen Clubs To Save Your Money by James Redder
When it involves your senior single travel requirements joining senior citizen travel clubs might be a good choice. There are lots of benefits for joining the senior citizen travel clubs. Once you take the time to look around for top clubs to suit your requirements you will be glad of your decision. Of course an…
Self Defense For Senior Citizens Is As Easy As Locating Stun Guns Dealers Online by Carl Vouer
Self-defense for senior citizens is something I take very seriously as my mother, who lives alone, is now a senior citizen and I am always worried about her safety. She lives in an upper-middle class neighborhood and has never been the victim of a violent crime. And to my knowledge no houses on or around…
5 Health Tips For Senior Citizens To Stay Fit In Winter by Greg Garner
With the onset of winter, senior citizens should take special care of their health, given the cold winter conditions. For instance, research reveals that every year several senior citizens die from conditions of hypothermia and from exposure to cold. This happens because as we start aging our bodies become less resistant to cold weather and…
Know More About a Senior Citizen Deposit Plan by Jesica Johnson
Most commonly known as the best option for senior citizens’ finance needs, Senior Citizen Deposit Plans act as secure funding for needs in the golden years of your life. After retirement or after official renouncement of business, the first concern is a source of income. One should start planning in advance to avoid being in…
What Makes Someone a Senior Citizen? by Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
Good question! Developmental Psychologists have long used either ages or stages to define segments of the population. Many developmental textbooks are divided into chapters based on one or the other of these definitions. Age definitions are ones that use numbers – such as: being 65 or older means you are a senior citizen; or all…
Senior Citizen Dating Sites – Why They Are Your Best Ticket to Finding Your Dream Partner by David N Kamau
Senior citizen dating has entered a brave new world. It comes in the form of senior citizen dating sites and these sites open the door for getting back out into the relationship game. And no, the ‘rules of the game’ really have not changed. All that has changed is the fact that it is easier…
Online Dating For Senior Citizens – Find Love and Companionship by David N Kamau
The subject of dating for senior citizens has proven to be one that has experienced something of a dramatic change. This change is the result of the development of online dating websites. Many of these websites cater to seniors which opens doors for them previously closed. Now, it is possible to find someone new through…
Gift Ideas For Senior Citizens Perplexing You? 5 Tips to Finding the Perfect Gift For Baby Boomers by Diane Carbo
Gift ideas for senior citizens can be perplexing. Not to worry, I have 5 tips to help you find the perfect gift for seniors citizens in your life. Many gift givers have the perception that as we age, we have accumulated everything we need in life. In some case that may be so, but, just…
Senior Citizens Health Conditions by Ian Pennington
As we reach our later years we are at risk of a great many health concerns. The list of senior citizens health conditions is a long and complex one. It includes both mental and physical issues and some people will be plagued with both. It can only be expected that, as time takes it toll on…
Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Cover by Kirthy Shetty
Seniors looking out travel abroad, relax, online travel options have specially designed travel packages for elderly citizens combined with insurance package to safeguard you from any unforeseen occurrence. This is useful for retired persons with holiday homes abroad for example spending the winter in Europe or Spain, covers all senior citizens up to the age…
Exercise for Senior Citizens At 50 And Beyond by Renie M Rutten
Even a small amount of increased physical activity can benefit your functional health. This means getting in and out of your home to attend church, going for a walk, and getting your own mail without the assistance of someone else. Benefits Of Regular Exercise For Senior Citizens —–Improved Overall Health —–Smaller Waistline —–Lowered Risk of…
Auto Insurance And the Senior Citizen by Hema Patel
The issue of rising premiums on auto insurance is a real concern to many people. This is particularly true for senior citizens who are striving to live within their means during this stage of their life. Auto insurance rates for senior citizens is, of course, much cheaper than it would be for a young driver. …
Email Marketing For Senior Citizen Centers by Dan Forootan
Ads in the phone book and Yellow Pages are a better investment than a newspaper ad, but senior citizen centers need to provide gentle reminders of their presence to potential patrons, many of whom are living alone and uncertain about venturing into something new and unknown. How can they encourage newcomers to come to the…
Why Do Senior Citizens Need Travel Insurance? by Troy Benning
There are a lot of senior citizens that love to travel and see the world, but they don’t know how much they need to be covered while their in the air. Senior travel insurance is really perfect for seniors who love to always travel, as they will be protected at all times. They will be…
Riding to Death: How Healthy Eating Can Improve the Health of Senior Citizens by Stan Onodu
Are you a senior citizen? Medical science told us that there are ailments associated with age. You’ll agree with me that it is virtually unheard of for youngsters to complain of illnesses like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain cancers. But these are mostly the health challenges of older adults. As…
The Benefits of Becoming a Senior Citizen by Rahmat Suki
Most people hate or dislike the fact that in the years to come, they will be living the second half of their lives as an old man or as an old woman. Being old has been stereotyped to becoming ugly, slow, weak and isolated. But this is not the reality at all times; some people…
Senior Citizens Singles – Ways to Find a Date By Annielyn Summers
Many senior citizens singles today want to get back into dating. They love the feeling of dating when they were younger. Perhaps now they feel that dating is for the kids and not themselves anymore. As a senior citizen, one should have more reason to date. At this time of someone’s life, the most important…
The Seasoned Senior Citizen By Irene Reynolds
At what point does one consider themselves a senior citizen, age 60, 62 or 65. By definition a senior citizen is the condition or fact of being older which carries with it an abundance of privileges. At a given point of everyone’s life retirement kicks in, planning what to do next with your life is…
Senior Citizens Dating – Advantages of Online Dating For Finding Compatible Partners By David Kamau
The desire for love, romance and intimacy does not die out with age. Senior citizens dating can be a little complicated, but fun all the same. Whether you’re a senior single by choice (you’ve never been married), or re-entering the dating world due to divorce or death of spouse, you can find love and romance….
How Senior Citizens Can Avoid Back Taxes Headache By Chintamani Abhyankar
Recently, economic times have been tough on us all, but probably no tougher on any other group than senior citizens. Senior’s have seen their savings shrink while their expenses rise and they need to be careful that all of this does not catch them in a tricky tax situation, to boot. Seniors need to watch…
Fill Your Life With Satisfaction – Eight Bonuses For Senior Citizens Activities By Jerry Elrod
2009 offers opportunities and activities for creating a life satisfying series of days and moments. A year doesn’t happen all at once, even for senior citizens who decry how rapidly time flies. The Senior Citizen age is an everyday, minute at a time process. We surprise ourselves when we discover what we can do with…
Senior Citizens Health – Choose to Be Healthy the Natural Way by Philip Jubb
As a Senior Citizen your body looks after you, well most of the time. It behoves us well to as Senior Citizens to return the favour and look after our body. Natural is about being proactive. You need to be dedicated to making and keeping your body healthy. Natural medicine does not cause drowsiness and…
Reasons for Hospitalizations of Senior Citizens by Warren Comer
Experts are saying that senior citizens of today are a lot healthier than the elderly a few decades ago. Not only are they getting sick less, but they are also more active. They are living fuller lives, something that the old folks in the past couldn’t have done. What the Numbers Say Statistics show than…
How to Find a College Grant If You’re a Senior Citizen by Edward J. Woods
The possibility of studying even in old age We all undoubtedly understand the value of quality education especially in this day and age. There is never such a thing as studying enough. There is always something new that one can learn and that is why we are want to find out whether it is possible…
Benefits Of Joining A Senior Citizens Travel Club by James Redder
Traveling is an interesting way of enjoying and spending time especially for the senior citizens who are confined to their homes and do not have much of physical activities. Older members of the family can have a lot of benefits by taking small and big trips to various places. There are numerous advantages of senior…
Where Can You Find Jobs For Senior Citizens? by Raymond Angus
Jobs for senior citizens, have you ever read a classified ad in a newspaper with this title? Probably not! But many want ads in most local newspapers carry with them an unspoken offer that it is available, and fertile territory, for any observant senior citizen willing to pursue it. How, you say? Employers want young…
Top Senior Citizen Web Sites For Whatever You Need by Maria Norton
Senior citizen web sites number in the millions and cover nearly every topic imaginable. Whether you want to find information on benefits, retirement planning, travel, healthcare, transitioning to another state like Florida, or even senior citizen sex, there are senior citizen web sites dedicated to the topic. One of the most popular sites on the…
Depression in Senior Citizens by David Crumrine
Depression is a medical condition that is characterized by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless; low self-esteem; and loss of interest in things one used to enjoy. Senior citizens are prone to life-altering changes that can lead one to feel depressed. Dealing with the trials life throws at us such as, loss, change, loneliness, or a…
Activities For Senior Citizens – How Hobbies and the Mind Body Connection Work By Diane Carbo
Hobbies have a mind body connection, they are important activities for senior citizens and are an important part of healthy aging. Active seniors are proof that you can enjoy better health and have fun doing it. Research studies have shown that leisure time and physical activity promote a healthier lifestyle. Our bodies are meant to…
Make Your Home Safer for Senior Citizens by Richard Fowler
You want to make your home as safe as possible for everyone who lives in it and for those who visit you from time to time. It is just a general thing; you just want it to be safe for everyone who happens to go to your home – for whatever reason. But when you…
How Senior Citizens Can Be Better Prepared for the Upcoming Cold Season by Richard Fowler
Senior citizens are more physically vulnerable than the rest of us. During times of extreme weather, it is even more true. With the increasing occurrence of more extreme cases of weather, the vulnerability of senior citizens – be it to extreme cold, heat, strong winds, floods, etc. – is also increased several times over. With…
Useful Tips For Senior Citizen Trips by James Redder
The best way to keep senior citizens engaged is by making them take part in senior citizen trips. There are many organizations and clubs that organize such trips regularly. Letting the elderly people travel and relax for a while is one of the best gifts for them. The best thing about the trips is that…
Do Senior Citizens Need to Exercise? by Judy Conway
Many people ask the question, “Do senior citizens need to exercise?” One of the greatest causes of atrophy to the muscles of seniors is insufficient activity needed to stimulate adequate blood flow to vital organs. Reasons for an Exercise Program: Left to the reticence of a senior lifestyle can result in disease, lack of muscle…
Can Senior Citizens Still Find a Partner? by Robert Shorn
Senior citizens who are left single, divorced or widowed are often confronted with the question of whether one can still find a partner who will see them through till the end of their lives. Luckily, they do not have to go far to start a date. Finding the next true love of their life may…
Health Insurance For Senior Citizens by Ram Mohan Susarla
If you are a senior citizen and do not have health insurance, the thought of having to go to an emergency room in case of illness may be troubling you. You should have planned for your retirement but if you did not include the details of having Health Insurance after you retire, you are at…
Hearing Loss in Senior Citizens by David Crumrine
Many senior citizens are affected by some hearing problems. If left untreated, any extent of hearing loss may worsen over time. It is important that senior citizens with difficulty hearing consult their doctor. Companions or caregivers who notice a senior citizen is experiencing trouble hearing should facilitate and encourage the senior to seek medical attention….
Senior Citizens Can See The World With Travel Insurance By W Scott
Retirement age can be the golden age of your life! Your children have grown up and are independent. You do not have a full-time job. There is nothing holding you back. This is the time of your life to fulfill all your dreams of traveling the world! There is virtually nothing holding you back! Know…
Comparison of Health Insurance Schemes for Senior Citizens By Shankar P Nath
It is absolutely vital that as one approaches old age, one has a substantial health insurance cover. The probability that one’s health care expenses would increase substantially is almost a given. In this piece we look and compare the different health insurance plans that are available in the market for senior citizens. While every health…
Who Wants to Be a Senior Citizen? By Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
Funny, people want to be Senior Product Managers and Senior Developers, but who wants to be a Senior Citizen? Sarah E. Bourne Often, the very same word or words, in differing contexts, have very different meaning. The word Senior when used in industry, medicine, research, or municipal agencies, means a higher-level job, higher income,…
Light Bulbs For Senior Citizens By Atte Aaltonen
Seeing the Light: Why Lighting Is Important for Senior Citizens As people age, they consider home improvements that will make their living spaces both safer and more enjoyable. Some senior citizens choose to downgrade to a smaller and easy-to-manage home, while others improve the safety of their current household by making sure railings are tightly…
Should You Send Your Elders to a Senior Citizen Home? By Cindy Heller
Asking your elders to move to a senior citizen home can be a very complicated situation. Most elders dislike the idea as they prefer to stay at their old home. If the elders are suffering from Alzheimer’s, it may make the situation much simpler as their memory has lost gradually. In normal condition, it…
Senior Citizens Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Arthritis – Causes and Treatments By David Crumrine
“Arthritis” does not mean only that someone has stiff, aching joints. Many types of arthritis exist, each with its own symptoms and treatments. Most types are chronic, meaning that they can be a source of discomfort for an extended period of time. Arthritis can afflict joints almost anywhere in the body and may cause…
Crafts For the Elderly Can Be Fun Gift Ideas For Senior Citizens By Diane Carbo
Combing crafts for the elderly, as a family project, can create fun gift ideas for senior citizens. Developing an ongoing family project will allow the aging senior to experience a new activity and relieve boredom and stress. Spending time with your aging senior is probably the most precious gift you can give them. Here are…
What Kinds of Job Opportunities Are There For Senior Citizens? By Stephen Chua
Because of improved health and the desire to stay active more and more senior citizens are looking for job opportunities. Certainly because of this the job market for those that are now over 50 is improving. Certainly projections are showing that by 2010 senior citizens will make up 1/3 of the entire workforce in…
Healthy Eating, Exercise and Lifestyle Guide For Senior Citizens By David Crumrine
Healthy Eating and Lifestyle While it is important for people of all ages to stay healthy, it is especially important for senior citizens to maintain healthy eating habits as well as to stay active which is important in the prevention of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By practicing healthier living practices,…
Landscape Seniority: Safe & Efficient Tools for Senior Gardening and Lawn Care
One is never too old to enjoy the great outdoors by tending to the garden or mowing the lawn. Your golden years aren’t the time to delegate tasks to others or relinquish landscaping. Plenty of tools exist to make gardening and landscaping a breeze. With the appropriate ergonomic tools and judicious decision-making, you can safely…
Staying Safe: Tips to Prevent Falls, Burglary & Other Senior Safety Woes
In a recent survey of 1,616 people over the age of 45, AARP found that eight out of 10 people plan to stay in their homes as long as possible. This trend, called “aging in place,” is continually gaining traction as more seniors opt to update their homes instead of moving into retirement or senior-care…
Tips to increase safety and lower the risk of hearing loss when listening to music while exercising
Listening to loud music through headphones can make a walk, run or bike ride more enjoyable, but it can distract from potential hazards. There are two serious issues: compromised safety and the risk of increased hearing loss. Serious accidents involving pedestrians wearing headphones with electronic devices such as iPods and MP3 Players have more than…
What is noise-induced hearing loss?
Tips on how to prevent hearing loss and maintain good hearing Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common cause of hearing loss. It is often permanent, but preventable! The National Institute of Health reports that 10 million Americans have already suffered hearing damage from loud sounds. In addition, another 30 million are exposed to dangerous…
No more “empty nest”: middle-aged adults face family pressure on both sides
The “empty nest” of past generations, in which the kids are grown up and middle-aged adults have more time to themselves, has been replaced in the United States by a nest that’s full – kids who can’t leave, can’t find a job and aging parents who need more help than ever before. According to a…
Five Easy Steps to a Low Maintenance Eco-friendly Landscape
Gardening expert Melinda Myers provides a step-by-step plan to transform your landscape while saving time, money and a natural resource It’s possible to create a beautiful landscape and be kind to the environment even with a busy schedule and while staying within budget. “All it takes is a bit of planning and a few low…
Research Suggests Massage Therapy Is Effective For Health Conditions In People Of All Ages
Massage Therapy Shown to be Beneficial for Enhancing Immune Function in Preterm Infants, Decreasing Blood Pressure and Improving Stability in Older Persons and Reducing Stress in Cancer Patients. People of all ages are beginning to understand the many benefits of massage therapy, including the role it can play in overall health and well-being. Recent research…
Nevada Senior Guide : Senior Living Facilities – Some Criteria to Take into Consideration
Senior Living Facilities – Some Criteria to Take into Consideration by: Justin Woods Once the professionals retire from the work, life becomes too dull for many of them. Though they live under the same roof with their children and grandchildren, still they feel the strong sense of mental loneliness. They miss the office environment where…
Improving Senior Life With Medical Alert For Seniors
Improving Senior Life With Medical Alert For Seniors by: Lance Mcisaac Senior Citizens are in a time of their lives when they should be able to enjoy the freedom to live independently and go places when they desire. Unfortunately, sometimes their freedom is restricted by health concerns caused by their aging bodies. Medical Alert for…
Post from a Survivor
My name is Heather Von St. James and I am a 6-year survivor of mesothelioma cancer – a rare disease caused by asbestos exposure that kills 90-95% of those who have it. Not many people know about this terrible disease and that’s why I have reached out to you for help. Because the health care…
Nomination Deadline for Governor’s Points of Light Awards Approaching!
Contact: Shawn Lecker-Pomaville, CEO (775) 825-1900 | Nomination Deadline for Governor’s Points of Light Awards Approaching! RENO/LAS VEGAS, November 8, 2012 — The deadline to nominate a deserving individual or group for the 2013 Governor’s Points of Light Awards is quickly approaching! These awards will recognize the dedication, leadership, and innovation of volunteers…
Generous donations keep no-cost legal program going strong
Generous donations keep no-cost legal program going strong By Michael Clark Did you know that Clark County has a trusted resource for senior citizens’ legal services? The Southern Nevada Senior Law Program provides free, quality legal services to county residents who are age 60+. They are the only free legal service provider in Clark County…
Santa’s Handy Hints For everyone on your list
Santa’s Handy Hints For everyone on your list (Family Features) Make holiday shopping a little easier this year with a few hints from the big man himself. Whether they love music, technology, fashion or fun, these gifts will put a smile on everyone’s face — and turn you into a holiday hero. For the music lover…
How to Set a Fantastic Holiday Table
How to Set a Fantastic Holiday Table (Family Features) The holidays are about making memories with friends and family. When it’s your turn to host, you can set a truly memorable holiday table – without breaking the bank. Celebrity chef and event planner Travis London, of Healthy Chic Eats, shares three great ideas for creating…
Impress Your Guests with Pork
Impress Your Guests with Pork (Family Features) Looking to impress your guests this party season? Treat their taste buds to a pork loin dish that is as versatile as it is delicious. This Simply Saucy Bacon-Wrapped Pork Loin is sure to be a crowd pleaser since, after all, everything is better when wrapped in bacon….
Stir up Some Party Fun
Stir up Some Party Fun (Family Features) No matter what the reason for the party, you can stir up some fun with easy-to-make appetizers that are sure to please the whole crowd. These four recipes are a breeze to make and all share one simple secret ingredient – Musselman’s Apple Butter. Here are some delicious…
Quick Ways to Perk Up Your Day
Quick Ways to Perk Up Your Day (Family Features) Let’s face it, between work deadlines, shuttling the kids back and forth to school and activities, and household chores, sometimes those to-do lists can be overwhelming. Here are a few quick tips to keep you moving throughout the day. Take time for a snack. A good…
Bright Ideas for Entertaining
Bright Ideas for Entertaining (Family Features) When the weather is nice, many people get the urge to entertain just a little more frequently. Interior design expert and TV personality Genevieve Gorder says the best approach to warm-weather entertaining is to make your space shine with a comfortable, approachable style. Genevieve has partnered with Mirassou Winery®…
Grab Life by the Handlebars with Expert Cycling Tips
Grab Life by the Handlebars with Expert Cycling Tips (Family Features) When the weather is warm, bikers everywhere hear the trails calling their name. Well-known endurance sports coach Chris Carmichael and award winning professional cyclist George Hincapie share nine tips to help you gear up for your ride. Whether you’re hitting the pavement, dirt trails…
Where to Find Your Retirement-Planning Confidence
Where to Find Your Retirement-Planning Confidence (Family Features) With the leisure and reward of retirement a few short years away, the majority of baby boomers – born between 1945 and 1966 – are confident they have adequately planned and saved for their golden years. This is according to new research from investing services company Scottrade,…
Caring for Problem Skin
Caring for Problem Skin (Family Features) According to the National Institutes of Health, skin is the largest organ of your body. Skin can be a very delicate thing, and as the outermost layer, it needs to be cared for in order to look and feel its best. Unfortunately, for those who suffer from highly prevalent…
How to Make Your Online Shopping More Social
How to Make Your Online Shopping More Social (Family Features) Finding new products and gifts can often mean spending hours shopping at the mall or searching through different websites. But as the Internet has become more social, many people are now tapping into their personal networks to get recommendations on which products to buy for…
Daily Dental Care Tips
Daily Dental Care Tips (Family Features) While regular visits to the dentist’s office for routine cleanings are important for dental health, taking care of your teeth and gums each day is paramount to keeping your mouth healthy. Here are some brushing-and-beyond tips to help prevent oral health problems down the road. Preventative care is imperative….
Global Vitamin D Interactive Map Illustrates Vitamin D Insufficiency Among U.S. Population and Worldwide
Worldwide: Rates of vitamin D insufficiency are higher among women than men with older women being at most risk for developing osteoporosis. The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) has launched an interactive global map of vitamin D status, which presents a snapshot of vitamin D levels worldwide. The map and accompanying publication1 confirm that vitamin D…
Ophthalmologists Offer Sight-Saving Eye Care to Prevent Blindness
EyeCare America promotes vision loss prevention in U.S. through no out of pocket-cost eye exams and care According to the World Health Organization, nearly 180 million people suffer from blindness or visual impairment globally, yet 75 percent of blindness could be prevented or treated with sight-saving eye care. In observance of World Blindness Awareness Month,…
Innovative Senior Housing Community Takes Shape in Tucson include Horses! (equine therapy)
Read about the role of horses and Dr. Andrew Weil along with other exciting news about Watermark’s latest innovation in senior living, The Hacienda at the River in Tucson, Arizona. Innovative Senior Housing Community Takes Shape in Tucson Partnerships and Affiliations Announced Tucson, Ariz. – Before concrete is even poured for the Hacienda at the…
Baby, It’s Cold Outside and Getting Colder: 6 Ways to Save on Heating Costs
Baby, It’s Cold Outside and Getting Colder: 6 Ways to Save on Heating Costs Temperatures are already dipping in colder climates, and weather experts are warning consumers everywhere to brace for a colder winter than last year. That means you’ll be paying more to heat your house this winter – and even more if you…
How to Care for an Elderly Person or Senior
How to Care for an Elderly Person or Senior by: Starlet Nicole It is not always easy caring for an elderly person. Their physical condition, health issues and their emotional state can present challenges for you, the caregiver. There are no doubts that caring for an elderly person is admirable, but it certainly comes with…
Fall Prevention Week!
Fall Prevention Week Is Rapidly Approaching! “Don’t Fall Down! Fall Prevention 101 for Older Adults” Now Available as E-Book The third week in September has been nationally recognized as “Fall Prevention Week” and we need your help to increase awareness of the growing public health concern of falls among our aging population! Falls are the…
Cataract Rates are on the Rise in Americans Age 40 and Older
Cataract Rates are on the Rise in Americans Age 40 and Older American Academy of Ophthalmology Offers Tips for Cataract Detection and Treatment SAN FRANCISCO – August 16, 2012 – The incidence of cataracts in the U.S. has risen 19 percent since 2000, impacting nearly 25 million Americans age 40 and older.[i] In fact, more…
Tips for caring for elderly parents – new book release
Statistics show that nearly 10 million adults over the age of 50 are caring for aging parents, according to a study by the MetLife Mature Market Institute. In her new book Mixed Nuts, professional counselor and therapist Dr. Mary Speed highlights actual patient experiences and offers advice on a variety of topic areas, including caring…
Seniors Citizens are a high priority in Washoe County
Seniors Citizens are a high priority in Washoe County Washoe County is experiencing a rapid demographic shift because of the aging of the “baby boom” generation. Like every community in America, we are evaluating how to provide services to the most vulnerable seniors. After an April 2, 2012 presentation by Washoe County Senior Services…
Special Considerations And Tips For Senior Citizens Travel
Travel Tips for Senior Citizens Cellular and extracellular changes of old age cause a change in physical appearance and a decline in function. Measurable changes in shape and body makeup occur. The body’s ability to maintain homeostasis becomes increasingly diminished with cellular aging, and organ systems cannot function at full efficiency because of cellular and…